Is it CHAD score - or CHADS score?
On search I find CHAD, CHADS, and CHADS2.
He is not saying a "2" at all, and with him saying "score" right after "chad," I don't know if there should be an 's' on CHAD or not.
The dictated sentence is: He does have a recent diagnosis of lone atrial fibrillation with a low CHAD score.
Thanks for any help. ...
I am transcribing a pediatric echo and the doctor says C-score or Z-score. I have never heard this before. Is it C-score or Z-score.
Thanks for any help in advance. ...
Later on, he had a stroke, and there was some left facial weakness. He also developed left Erb-Duchenne palsy and ultimately was diagnosed with s/l gray danigo syndrome. ...
I have a client that is telling me that certain things should be capitalized in sentences that I have never capitilized before and I have been doing this for years. Now I am questioning everything that I do. Any help would be greatly appreciated!!! Thanks. ...
Patient had elbow arthroplasty.
X-rays reviewed that show well positioned total elbow arthroplasty with s/l **cement _________________** ossification of soft tissues"
Thanks for any help ...
Patient had ultrasound, s/l TFM, iontophoresis, exercises for range of motion, strength of the left shoulder, elbow and gripping as well as a trial of H-wave stimulation. ...
He has seen physicians where x-rays were obtained. The radiographic images were consistent with oscals involving the anterior and posterior aspects of the elbow. ...
The word sounds like footplate, but I cannot find anything to verify this. Does this sentance make sense?
There is vague increased signal intensity within the footplate region and distal end of the triceps tendon consistent with tendinosis.
jackie ...
After appropriate preoperative evaluation including informed consent, the patient's right elbow medial side was prepped with ( ). Using a sterile technique, the solution of lidocaine, Sensorcaine, and dexamethasone was injected in and around his medial epicondyle as well as the flexor pronator muscle, flexor pronator muscle mass, and the brachialis tendon.
The quality of my voice note is very bad and so I'll give you some sounds like options.
Clo ...
I have a doc who sounds like he is saying "YEOMAN'S 7th cranial nerve palsy." He has used it before. I cannot figure it out or find it (all I come up with is Bell's, and that is not what he is saying) and it has never been corrected on feedback, so apparently the editors don't know it, either. He has a strong middle eastern accent so this may be throwing me off. Any suggestions would be much appreciated. Thank you. ...
ESL doctor dictating regarding patient having glass in elbow, located over the posterior apsect of the the elbow s/l "fledge."
I cannot document this. Can anyone help, please??
Thank you! ...
This is a new one to me:
Sounds like "Flucteroke" area of the elbow. The context is "Exam of the skin on her forearms reveals some hyperpigmentation and slight thickening of the skin in the _______ areas of the elbows." I know the entire sentence is correct, except that one word which I spelled out phonically above. :/ ...
I have tested for M*Modal TWICE now in the last few months and have only gotten an 89% accuracy rating........I have been a med trans for a long, LONG time and don't understand how I could score so low. Is there ANY WAY I can email someone within the company to explain to me WHERE I made the mistakes they said I made????? Makes me doubt my ability.
Any info would be greatly appreciated!! ...
Get graded every time I work and always aware to try and do my best.
I got 100% excellent score on my work 2 days ago.
The only problem here is I have not worked now in 3 weeks as I am on sick leave.
Shhhhhh. ...
I guess I am screwed. In all my years I have never had this many "Major Errors". Guess I have just been stupid my whole life and didn't know it. Score below 98 and since they have been monitoring me quite a lot the last week or so I imagine they are done with me for the quarter. Some of these errors are errors, but REALLY? If/of is kind of a typo in my book. SR had it one way and I did fail to catch it, but really had no change in context. How can they ex ...
My score for the quarter was 98.3%. I will probably get fired. All my working life (25 years) I always scored excellent on quality. When I look at the post audit though, I am mostly at 100%. It makes me feel kind of worthless. ...
I figured my QA to be in the 99.7 range based on FIESA. On my timecard it is in the 99.5 range. How can that be verified? Can it be verified in FIESA? If so, based on what parameters?
Thanks~ ...
I am CONTINUALLY getting flack about APGAR. If I put Apgar, I get it back corrected as APGAR. If I put APGAR, I get it back corrected as Apgar. If I put Apgar's, comes back Apgars. If I put Apgar's it comes back Apgars...
I have my Dorland's dictionary, and it has Apgar, A capitalized, pgar lower case, but in my abbreviation guide it's all caps (APGAR). Does anyone have anything different OR perhaps a solution? ...
What is the QA score requirement? I thought it was 99%. I had three audits today that scored 99.75% and was told that if I proofread the jobs better before I sent them I would catch these small mistakes (one per job). Are we supposed to get 100% now? Just curious. TIA! ...
My FIESA scores are VERY low this quarter with a lot of points being taken off for errors. Has anyone been in a situation where at the end of the quarter they had a score that was below 98% and what happened? Is that instant termination? This is astonishing to me as I will be here for 4 years and never have had low scores ever and have never been in this predicament before. Thank you for any replies. ...