A community of 30,000 US Transcriptionist serving Medical Transcription Industry
Company A pays an experienced transcriptionist/MLS 3 or 4 cpl to edit VR.
Company A boasts about how this makes for a faster turnaround time on everything.
Company A tries to tell seasoned MTs with years of experience that their productivity will actually go UP if they learn to be good little VR editors.
Company A apparently fails to realize that some transcriptionists can also do basic math pretty well, and can see that they are actually getting paid less to do what is actually more difficult than straight transcribing--VR editing.
For example, I type about 100 wpm on average. I used to easily crank out 200-250 lph on the good old WordPerfect blue screen before text expanders really came along. Now, the company I'm with tries to tell me I should be 'excited' about the fact that in our company VR editors average close to 300 lph. Do they think we're really that stupid?
Three hundred lines at HALF or less of the pay per line still means we make less than we used to as good old-fashioned MTs, even though the company makes MORE because they still charge the same rate! Let me just do straight transcription and I'll do better.
Wake up, people! We are all cutting your own throats by working for these companies that use VR. By supporting these VR companies, we only hasten the end of medical transcription as a sustainable career here in the U.S. anyway. What a shame it all is.
My 2c.