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a condition or disease that is "compensated" or "concentrated" - see message

Posted: Sep 26, 2011

"___.  Patient is on metoprolol, lisinopril, spironolactone."


That's all that's said.  It's a list of diagnoses at the end of a report.  The blank sounds like "Patient compensated" or "concentrated."  Doesn't sound like "constipated" at all, and it doesn't sound like "cirrhosis, compensated" either.  Any ideas?

compensated - 1mt

[ In Reply To ..]
I've had a lot of dictation when the doctor says something like "hypertension, well compensated on current meds"; or "hyperlipidemia, well compensated on current meds." Maybe it's something like that. Compensated meaning the illness/disease is corrected or brought back to normal.

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