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Phrase Definition - leegee
Posted: Jul 30, 2012
Has anyone heard the phrase "office artifact"? It sounds like he's saying that or "off its artifact" and is referencing a tremor. Any help is appreciated.
metallic artifact? - just me #1
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Not pertaining to tremor but...
phrase definition - leegee
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He's definitely saying the word 'office' and now, when he repeated it, it sounds like 'office art effect' and says the tremor only occurs when in the office. Not a reference I'm familiar with. ????????
It sounds like he is - misusing the word
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artifact. From your description, it appears that he is using the word "artifact" to describe an unusual occurrence. The tremor is an "artifact" of being in the office. I could be wrong about this as I cannot hear what is said or how it is said, so you will have to use your own judgment, but that's how I would explain what your hearing in the context you have described.
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