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Need clarification - oldMT

Posted: Feb 04, 2011

After a 5-year break from being an MT, I am working for a small MTSO as an editor.  I am trying to implement some quality standards for consistency.  I need clarification of a few items to make sure they haven't changed in the last few years.

12 o'clock - regarding position still accurate?

Need guidance on numbers - numerals in dosages, measurements and ages - has that changed?



Yes, 12 o'clock is still used for - sm

[ In Reply To ..]
positions. Where I work we use Arabic numbers for anything to do with medications and measurements. I believed BOS prefers all numbers with none being written out under the number 10, not like we learned back in the day. Where I work, our clients wants those spelled out if under ten however in general dictation; however not with medications, i.e., dosage, times per day, how many days, etc. So, best to check with who you are working for to be 100% sure.

need clarification - threedogs

[ In Reply To ..]
Try MT Desk on the web.

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