A community of 30,000 US Transcriptionist serving Medical Transcription Industry
When you ask for word help, you'll enhance your chances of receiving a prompt answer if you provide sufficient context for your query. Sometimes, this means the complete sentence in which your problematic word or phrase appears, but often it means more than that. It might mean that we need to know something about the patient's history and/or diagnoses. We might need to know what relevant lab values have been dictated.
There's nothing more frustrating than this back-and-forth business you see on the Word Help board that usually runs something like this:
OP: He's prescribing s/l "Harrypotterzide"?
Answer: "What's the sentence?"
OP: "Harrypotterzide 10 mg t.i.d."
Answer: "What's the patient got? Diagnoses?"
OP: "Asthma and some other stuff".
Answer: "What other stuff?"
...I mean, folks, it's mind-numbing to try to help some of you. And we do want to help, so why don't you help us?