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Medical Term for "burning with urination" - still learning

Posted: Mar 15, 2010

Is there a Latin or Greek combination meaning "burning with urination"??

I hear the doctor dictate a term ending in -uria, but can't get the playback clear enough to hear the first part. She also refers to dysuria, and earlier had mentioned burning with unrination. I can't find anything that fits. Thanks!!

dysuria - cj

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Dysuria - still learning

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Unfortunately, that is already used in this list of symptoms, and the one I'm missing is in addition to dysuria.

Still stuck... please help...see above message - still learning

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dysuria - 1mt
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Since dysuria does mean burning with urination and u said doc already mentioned that, could dictator be saying polyuria - excessive urination?
Thanks! - still learning
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Could be! I was going so blank!
Maybe hematuria (blood in urine)? - nm
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For future reference - Good places to look

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Maybe these sites can help you in the future.   



 Also, you can try a wildcard search on www.onelook.com



If you can hear the first letter and the ending, you can do a wildcard search.  I would not “guess” if you can only hear the ending however.  There are just too many possibilities and the chances are better that you will pick the wrong one as opposed to the correct one. 



Good luck to you.  



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