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Check rheumatology labs, including rheumatoid factor, anti-CCP - sw

Posted: Sep 08, 2010

This patient could possibly have gout, fibromyalgia, OA, RA, psoriasis...among other possibilities.  "Check rheumatology labs, including rheumatoid factor, anti-CCP, ANA, sed rate, CRP, CMP, CBC, Lyme.  The patient had a s/l 'dipsticks all the time.'  Check an ACE."  The doctor did pause after "had a" so that may not be part of the sentence.  In that case, it sounds kind of like, "The patient gets sticks all the time."  I'm not sure if either makes sense.  She does mention further down to specifically check a uric acid level, so that wouldn't be included in this list.

Dipsticks of urine are used for RA testing - to check for proteinuria., NM

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Thanks...I didn't even think of that one. - sw

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