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Brain MRI - level of the s/l: retin nucleus - Thank you

Posted: Sep 08, 2010

The signal intensity changes in the mid brain around the level of the "retin nucleus" are less pronounced. 


Patient has HIV encephalitis.


Thank you

mid brain areas for MRI - Roma

[ In Reply To ..]
maybe this:

reticular nuclei nuclei found in the reticular formation of the brainstem, occurring primarily in longitudinal columns in three groups: medial or intermediate reticular nuclei, lateral reticular nuclei, and reticular nuclei of the raphe.

and in the mid brain area is the
formatio reticularis

just a couple of maybe could be LOL

Could it be red nucleus - see message

[ In Reply To ..]

Could it be red nucleus


A little less clinical.  Depends on how precise and specific your dictators are.   

The midbrain is usually sectioned at the level of the superior and inferior colliculi.

A cross-section through the superior colliculus shows the red nucleus, the nuclei of the oculomotor nerve (and associated Edinger-Westphal nucleus), as well as the substantia nigra.



Red nucleus - Roma

[ In Reply To ..]
The red nucleus is a structure in the rostral midbrain involved in motor coordination. It comprises a caudal magnocellular and a rostral parvocellular part.

that one sounds good to me

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