There is a first-degree atrial ventricular block. There is one beat with a variant conduction, perhaps an intermittent right bundle branch block.
Does this make sense? Thanks.
It sounds like the doctor is saying "Worst or Wortz" rhythm atrial fibrillation. Looked in Stedmans cardiology, Dorlands, etc. and even the internet, but can not find anything that resembles this. Help please ...
Is there a type of scan that s/l sustemembic scan that can reveal a left ventricular ejection fraction of 38% w/ no significant wall motion abnormalities? I can't find anything close anywhere and this is my first time transcribing this doctor. Thanks! ...
I know this is hopeless, but here's the sentence: "Patient had echocardiogram done showing marked s/l leeterdeezed left ventricular systolic function." I suppose the "deezed" could be disease, but I don't know...
HELP! ...
I'm stuck on one of my assigments for a Holter Monitor Reading. All I can hear is "this is a 48-year-old patient undergoing _____ atrial flutter." It sounds like he is saying "equito" something, but he's talking so fast I really have no clue. Any ideas? Thanks! ...
After bypass, the atrial "clearing" device was put in. He had a pleural effusion that was drained. He had a recent x-ray that was okay.
Thanks for any help.
Jude ...