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Webmedx SR line counts discrepancy - Please see following:

Posted: Oct 14, 2010

I apologize to sound like an Webmedx complainer. Not my intent, but I am extremely concerned regarding the SR jobs I'm transcribing and receiving correct compensation. The way I understand it, an SR/VR draft report already has a tallied line count when it goes to an MT and if during the course of your edit, you delete lines, the line count always reflects this by being less, it does not stay at the original SR drafted line count. Makes sense, and I have no issues with this. But, when the opposite happens such as adding lines, creating numbered lists, having to type missing dictation, etc. because SR isn't picking it up and for some reason lumps it all together in one big paragraphed mess. I am spending a great deal of time correcting and adding these manually typed lines into these reports, and yet my line count are not reflecting the additions of these lines, at all. If we are having to manually type information into an SR/VR drafted report, which is the same as we do in traditional reports, shouldn't we and the company be paid according to these additional lines? I would think the company is missing out on compensation of those lines as well, by just compensating on the original incorrect SR/VR draft line count. Has anyone else noticed this? Anyone complained/inquired to WMX management regarding it? I'm terrifed to, don't want to sound like a complainer or troublemaker. : (

Lines - Me 2

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I asked about this to my supervisor, who had no inside knowledge of this, but agreed with my concerns. I also find my time clock at times does not move as it should. When straight typing long reports, I find my counts do not go up as high as they should and also find with some normals, my line count barely moves as if we are no longer paid for them....I swear they are up to something.....

Yes, with some platforms all pay based on the 1st document put in - system. No pay for additions to doc. nm

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This is no glitch. Plaform only pays on 1st job in, be it MT or - computer generated, no matter what you did. nm

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glitch - webbie
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Well that may be true...but then I should STILL get credit for what was there to begin with! The glitch was I received a PENALTY for typing the report, I had ONLY a negative line count, so in essence I paid them for the honor of spending 20 minutes typing this nightmare job! There were NO lines credited for my editing, ONLY negative 25!
Yes, different issues. - nm
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Platform capability to deduct but not add? - Not adding up or making sense

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I'm sorry, but according to your information some platforms pay is based only on the 1st document (draft) put in the system regardless? That theory and or information is very disturbing because essentially what that means is that same platform that didn't have the capability or the obligation to add for manual additions in the SR/VR edit, but yet conveniently it has the capability and or the obligation to deduct lines based on the SR/VR edit, therefore affecting the MTs pay. So it seems you are saying that the company is paid the original line count of the drafted document regardless, and at the same time is stealing money from the MTs by deducting from that original documents line count, plus benefitting from the cheaper line rate in which they are compensating the MTs in SR/VR edit jobs.

line counts on ISR - webbie

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This happens rarely but does happen...you need to check EVERY job you type, not only are the concerns you have above valid, BUT there are times when there are glitches and you actually get a NEGATIVE line count. I spent 20 minutes on an ISR nightmare report, difficult ESL, the ISR was almost 75% incorrect. Because I ended up deleting more lines than the base report, my net showed MINUS 25 lines...so after 20 minutes my pay was DOCKED. My STM was looking into it and did correct the pay. This has happened 2x to me. If you put your job in temporary and come back and edit, it will show negative, but there should be 2 entries, your lines before temporary and after, so you still come out ahead. That is not what happened here, it was totally negative. I am not complaining either, they made it right, just giving a heads up to all to carefully check your job logs.

If you are not documenting claims, you are just guessing and - none can take you seriously. Show me the #s. NM

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??? Guessing??? Confused by your meaning? - Documentation to post here?

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What exactly do you think we are able to be posting in documentation on a bulletin board? What kind of proof is it you are asking for?

Did you read whole post? Documentation of line ct. allegations. - Dont guess or feel like lines are off. Document. N

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No guess here, documentation galore - w/screenshots
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Too bad more arent like us in this. I think it has to do with being - predominantly female. What male do you know who
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would say, they say they are paying me fair and I believe them. Or my check equals my line count but of course I have no idea how that count was calculated.
Above should have said the industry being - predominantly female.
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I take her post seriously - Believe

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I'm sure many others take this post seriously as I do. Nothing surprises me anymore. It's almost as if they stay up nights trying to figure out more ways to screw the MT. This is one thing WMX seems to do well.

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