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cpu shut down - sm

Posted: Sep 28, 2012

Actually, 2 days in a row, when I started my machine, it was on, but no screen.  Today it said it was a cpu shut down due to thermal event.  So is my computer going to need replaced soon? 

Possible solution . . . - SoCal MT

[ In Reply To ..]
I was having similar problems with my computer. Also, a very noisy fan started running several times a day. I took my computer into a shop, and they discovered the heat sink was coated with dust. That causes extreme heat. The computer is trying to protect itself by shutting down or running a fan.

I had been told to never use compressed air to clean out the inside of the computer. The Geek Squad guys at BestBuy told me that. However, using compressed air to blow the dust out is exactly what needs to be done, and it needs to be done regularly. I blow mine out about once a month. Also, you can use q-tips to gently wipe dirt and dust off the fan blades. There are usually at least 2-3 fans that can be accessed easily. You must be careful to not touch any wires though, as they are soldered in and not very secure.

So, a can of compressed air and q-tips may solve your computer issues. Be careful to not shake the can of air, and also to only blow in short bursts. Otherwise, the compressed air liquifies, and you don't want moisture blown into your computer.

I hope this all helps. :)

Compressed air - Nancy

[ In Reply To ..]
Compressed air is fine so long as the strength is not too high (some compressors are brutal). Just make sure your computer is turned off and unplugged because you don't want something coming loose and shorting it out. Also, while it is unplugged, run your fingers over the capacitors (look like little pop/soda cans). If the top on one or more of the capacitors is bulging get yourself a new computer because that one is toast.

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