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Windows 7 and PC Shorthand problems - Frustrated

Posted: Feb 08, 2015

Howdy from Texas......I recently purchased a terrific and powerful Windows 7 Dell PC on clearance at a great price......and have been spending a lot of time getting it up and running......

My latest and hopefully last glitch is that I cant get shorthand to work with Bayscribe on this Windows 7 machine while using Internet Explorer 11.  My dictionaries come up after I load Shorthand but they dont work.   Anybody know a fix for this?  Please?  Thank you.   

try running as administrator - rds

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I have had issues with Shorthand not being 100% compatible with some platforms. Once I have had the platform open, I open Shorthand from my desktop using right click and selecting "run as administrator." That usually helps. Also try the FAQ section on Shorthand's website. I think there is a section for compatibility issues.


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RDS.....thank you so much. I tried your recommendation of running as administrator and IT WORKS NOW. You are the greatest, wish I could treat you to dinner...... :-) :-) Now, If I can just find my latest shorthand dictionary on my old PC, I will be in business.....yeehaa.....should would hate to recreate a couple years worth of Shorthand entries. but at least it is working on Bayscribe now. :-) :-)

you have to pay to upgrade SH - MThead

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I bought a new laptop with Windows 7 (previously used Windows XP), had been using SH for years and in fact had purchased a "lifetime" license. However, couldn't get it to work with Windows 7 and was told by ShortHand support people I would have to pay to upgrade to a newer version. I stopped using SH for that reason.

Windows 7 and shorthand - redmaj

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I do mostly VR, but when I do get to straight type, I find myself tying TP for the patient!! Anyone know a program to buy, where, etc that has word expander, or SH that is compatible with windows 7???


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I think your problem has to do with Windows 7 not running with IE11. I had a similar problem with some software and the IT guy kind of off-handedly said something about not using my version of IE with Windows 7. You need to talk to an IT person who knows about these kinds of things though, just to verify this little piece of information.

Thanks... - Happy Now....

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Thanks a bunch to everyone who posted suggestions....the administrator thing worked..... :-)

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