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Do you use an expander? - Debating

Posted: Aug 16, 2010

I've been doing transcription for 20+ years and have never used an expander program (such as Instant Text or Shorthand), except for what one can create with the Auto Text/Auto Correct functions in Word.

I straight transcribe an average of 180-190 lph.  If I were to purchase an expander program, by how much do those of you who use expanders think I could increase my production?

I'm thinking about getting the InstantText free trial and seeing how I do, but then decided to take a little survey on this site to see if the amount by which I could increase my productivity would make it a worthwhile investment.

Thanks for any information you can provide Smile



Instant Text does more than expand text. - SM

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Download the trial and look up commands to see how you can go anywhere on your computer, run keyboard shortcuts for macros, launch programs, go back and do really fast editing, tons of stuff AC and AT can't do. You can find a bunch of tips on how to use Instant Text at Productivity Talk.

I can't give you a money - figure...but

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I've used Instant Text for about 15 years and I can't imagine being without it. I love the continuations that it does...when I start to type a sentence, it pops up with the rest for me.

However, IT does have quite a learning curve and it takes time to tweak it to get all the benefit from it that you can get. I don't know if a short free trial would give you more than a peek into what it can do for you.

Although I've never been a hot-shot typist, I have - Poppy

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been using SH for several years. As it happened, I checked my speed this morning transcribing a familiar work type without interruptions and it was 316 lines per hour. I know I can bring that up further by creating short forms for yet more of their verbiage. SH says it typed an additional 55 characters this morning for each one I typed. Since you're already at 180-190, unless you're using auto correct very intensively, it sounds like over the long term, because it does take time, you could do better than me. Ultimate goal: Double the line count? Or would half again faster seem more reachable?

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