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DQS internal clipboard text - what now

Posted: Mar 24, 2011

In the middle of my shift this morning I started getting this message....  DocQscribe Internal Clipboard Text whenever I try to paste what I had copied/cut.  Anyone ever see this before?  I have tried entering a ticket and of course, you guessed it...  I can't sign onto Q Care.  Really slows down the research/macro making. 

Any ideas are greatly appreciated. 

That's a new one I've never seen before. nm - Shipwrecked

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I am having the same problem - Bun

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I sent an email to my manager.

Hmm Q Care not working, call 1-800-DIxxxx LOL - nothing like a great IT team.

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Wish MQ had one.

Wish they had one that wasn't in India... - Unbelievable

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This is really just unbelieveable. This is on the heels of a teleconference that told us use Drugs.com, etc., to your advantage... kinda hard to do that when you can't copy and paste to it and they want how many lines an hour? Too many of these folks are drinking the Kool-Aid. Seriously, this is just horse poo.

Internal Clipboard Tex - ApAtHeTiC worker bee

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I bet it has something to do with Patient Confidentiality. -- Very Annoying -- seems like "they" are always trying to slow us down.... I did notice you can Copy and Paste Within a QA marker (I tried it just for "fun") Havent tried to do a macro yet.

I cannot add to IT automatically - Bun

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Can't paste into expander or google or my word list. Sigh.

Internal Clipboard Text - Hope

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I can't speak for anyone else, and maybe I am a lone ranger in this I don't know, but I have really loved working at MQ. It's been a great job for me. I don't really ever want to leave. However, this really makes me angry too. It is entirely unfair to those of us who have to do the reports for corperate to make decisions that impact us so greatly and not to consider what other factors they may be upsetting. To all of you Instant Text users like me, we can still import them them from the DocQscribe text expansions. Also to IT users, my list is almost complete in regards to headings and stuff, if anyone would like any of my glossaries, just write. I do not mind sharing. You can call the textware technical support if you don't know how to import from the DQ expansions or me if you would like a copy of mine. I even have many of the drugs incorperated in mine. Like I said we can still import them from the DocQcribe platform, but it is more of a pain and more time consuming. They have really gone too gone far here. None of them have to do these reports. I was told at ********* to tell my CCM. Well, I suggest all of you do that. Maybe yet, we can get this decision turned around. I have written my CCM, knowing full well, she did not do it. Make sure they understand you are not angry with them and just ask if there is anything that can be done about it and why something needs to be done about it. Let us all join forces and send our CCM's messages that can be forwarded so that maybe corperate can understand that decision affects way more than HIPPA. I beg of you all, let's at least try. Don't give up without a fight.


*** Edited by Moderator: Read the Posting Guidelines - Do not post phone numbers. ***
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I would love your lists. Please email me.
Instant Text Lists - Hope
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MT stars is not giving me the option to email you so I am really trying to find you and share my lists. All are welcome!

KK here's the scoop - what now

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I did get through to DICTATE (cause can't get through using Q Care) anyway, it is a HIPPA. We can no long cut/copy and then paste outside DocQscribe. Just another way to slow us us. Negates an outside expander program (I use InstaText) have to use the program within DocQscribe. Sometimes it is just all I can do to smile and say "Tomorrow is another day."

Makes trying to find a word harder when you - have to re-type everything

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into Google to search. That ought to up my production by 20%.

Just another way to make us work harder. - dnr

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Can't use it to copy the MR number into DQM anymore to search for a patient report that might help. Can't copy what I need into an email to my CCM from a document to show her what a doctor said. Too much retyping. Forget going the extra inch - too time consuming. Can't save phrases the doctor usually says or samples on the MQ computer. I have nothing but words I can't say here for this change.

Take most of the changes in silence, but this one - really makes me mad.

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We can offshore information, but I can't copy the MR number to look up a previous report? Really?

Ditto - Frosty Mug

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This just frosts my mug. We can't copy a number from DQS to DQM?? Whose dimwit idea was this? I frequently copy phrases to Google and now can't do that either. This bites a big one. Another way to needle us and get us to quit? If I didn't need the health insurance, I'd be outta here. I can't wait for 30 days or however long for new insurance to go into effect. I really really hate this place.

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