Let's try this one more time. "Multiple regions of low density in both sides of the internal capsule. Probably represent old (s/l) 'pointment' or infarctions." ...
yes the doctor is saying for ex...Prevacid 30 mg sa capsule one daily....is that "sa" correct it sounds like sa or xa....somthing ending and sounding like sa and then she says it again she gives the drug, dosage, and then say ___ capsule one daily???? I need your help please and thank you ...
I've got a plastic surgery dictation. Doc is talking about a breast capsule. He says it was quite thin being of a grade 1 or grade 2 level.
Just wondering if anyone knows if grade 1 should be a roman numeral or arabic numeral. ...
Dr is mumbliing again - sounds like poly-my-o-dermatica or poly my o trumatica
It is not Polymyalgia rheumatica. Just a mention in the report - no further info.
In the middle of my shift this morning I started getting this message.... DocQscribe Internal Clipboard Text whenever I try to paste what I had copied/cut. Anyone ever see this before? I have tried entering a ticket and of course, you guessed it... I can't sign onto Q Care. Really slows down the research/macro making.
Any ideas are greatly appreciated. ...
Concern for decreased (s/l Plavix) activity with proton pump inhibitors and will have to check a (s/l PTY 12) if she is to continue on proton pump inhibitors as an outpatient.
I would like to listen to stuff without using headphones or external speakers temporarily. I have Windows 7. My other computer has the sound coming right out of it without any speakers which is great, plus if I want to plug in headphones I can do that too. I would like to make this Windows 7 do the same thing. Can you help? ...
Hi. I've recently started using the internal player with Inscribe (the Windows Media Player) and I need help with setting the speed for the player. I've looked under options, but there are only choices for playback speed, rewind speed, etc., and nothing for setting the play speed.
It hasn't been a problem until now. I downloaded my work, and the doctor is chipmunked so much so that I cannot understand everything.
Any help greatly appreciated! ...
Is there any particular region that gets NJA more than others? Would you be willing to post your state? I'm wondering why my region is bombarded with work in the past 6 - 8 months. I am getting calls and emails BEGGING for help. We are always back logged and being offered bonuses and incentive pay. I am in SW New Mexico. It is easy to get help and a hold of my CCM and RTL and they are very helpful and professional.
Just wondering if it's all in one area o ...
Does it mean your main hospitals/clinics are in a specific region? Just curious as I'm former Spheris & we didn't have anything like that. My primary is in FL & my backups are from coast to coast pretty much. ...
When I was with MQ, it had regions, but in all the information we MDIers have thus received, I don't remember anyone talking about regions. So will the accts that merged over be split into regions?
By the way, has anyone (MDIers) received the new log-in numbers yet? I expect we'll need them for tomorrow and I have yet to hear about mine... ...
I am in the north region and no one is using the Swapboard except me, which does not do me any good!! What is going on??? Any other regions actively using it??? ...
The patient's peritoneal carcinomatosis index is 34. This is as follows: Region 03, region 13, region 23, region 33, region 42, region 53, region 63, region 73, region 82, region 92, region and 102, region 112, region 123. The small bowel serosa surface and had minimal disease.
They were dictated as region zero 3, 1 3, etc. Im thinking maybe I should have them as 0-3, 1-3, etc all the way down the line to region 10-2, 11-2, 12-3??? ...
Specific regions??? I wish. I am supposed to be West but have reports from California, Oregon, New Jersey, Florida, Texas, Virginia, etc. You name it. Hardly ever the same client or dictator. This doesn't make it easy to make line count or any money having to start over with every report. ...