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can anyone tell me how to remove automatic initial caps in word - not savvy

Posted: Jan 16, 2015

I appreciate it.  Making me nuts with do-overs in the middle of a sentence.  Thanks for anyone's help.

I have word 2003 where it is under Tools, then Autocorrect, and uncheck the appropriate box. - nm Lexi

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thank you for your reply, but I can't find that. - bayscribe platform?

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I am so clueless with this stuff. I do appreciate your help, though.

Sorry. I misread your post and thought you were sm - Lexi

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were referring to MS Word. :) In your platform, try to find Tools, or Options in the menu bar at the top? I use DocQScribe, which is now Fluency. There, it is under Tools, then Options, then AutoCorrect. Try to find Tools for your platform. It is probably in there somewhere. Sorry I can't be of more help.
I am much obliged. see inside - OP
[ In Reply To ..]
This is what I found in the archives, for others who might be needing this info:

"If you are in a report, click control F3, go to local configuration, uncheck the box that says enable capitalization after 2 spaces are typed."

I am very grateful for your speedy reply to my inquiry, even if I did not "Word" it correctly.

Have a lovely day.

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