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C-phone programming...voice backspace. Please help! - KyMT

Posted: Aug 07, 2011

I always research before I ask a question and have searched the archives for the last hour or so.  I am reviewing reports via the C-phone and am in desperate need of a backspace option.  For example, when I let off the foot pedal, the dictation resumes exactly where it left off.  It would make my job so my easier if the voice would "go back" about 2 seconds so that I don't miss any dictation.

I have read numerous on-line manuals, but the instructions are so vague.  If anyone could share with me how to do this or if there is a particular code I should use, I would appreciate it immensely.  I can program the c-phone to do everything but an incremental back space. 

Thanks so much to anyone who would be willing to help!

Have you tried #8? (NM) - #8#8#8#8

[ In Reply To ..]

What brand are you using? - Donna

[ In Reply To ..]
I have a DA-127/D and if I press 4 that is proportional rewind control. Hope this helps.

C-Phone instructions - stephie

[ In Reply To ..]
Each phone is different, and sometimes catered to the system, not the pedal.

Here is a list of most often commands:

Demographics: ##
Sign Off Job: 7
Go to End of Job: 3
Go to Beginning of Job: #1
Headset: #*11
Slow down: #4
Auto Back Space: *2 (I usually do *2 eight times for my comfort of ABS)
Disconnect: *#
Enter by Report Type: 2
Go to end of Jobs of Report Type: 9

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