A community of 30,000 US Transcriptionist serving Medical Transcription Industry
Since all our complaints seem to fall on deaf ears and our jobs are ultimately at stake, by way of another example, 200 MTs at University of Utah Hospital just their jobs to a company that outsources. Maybe if every MT in the country would write at least one newspaper something could be done to stop the outsourcing. Can't we rattle a few cages? Here is what I sent to the Washington Post:
To the Editor:
I am a medical transcriptionist. I work from home. I am wondering why the Federal Government, which seems to want to "create jobs" is allowing hospitals to hire companies that outsource their medical transcription services to foreign countries. Since hospitals receive Federal money in the manner of Medicare and other monies added to the kitties by way of insurance agreements, would it really be legal to allow those sensitive reports to leave the country and deny American Transcriptionists their livelihoods? It looks as if my taxes are funding the outsourcing of my job.