A community of 30,000 US Transcriptionist serving Medical Transcription Industry

THE SAD FACT IS - 7thchild

Posted: Dec 02, 2013

VR is far from perfect, we all know that. It is terrible with names, he and she, and numbers versus dates. How many times have I seen things like glucose 01/10/2013? Too many to count! The names are wrong about 90% of the time, i.e. Mr. Jones is a blah-blah-blah and it comes through Mr. Mcfart is a blah blah blah. At least MOST of the time it puts in "patient" instead. WHY,WHY,WHY does it put IMPRESSION so many times when the doctor says ASSESSMENT? Or vice versa. Today, I had two doctors put in the wrong patient number (I know, not a VR issue). One came up blank thank God. The other was an actual number of another patient. If I did not notice it, I probably would have been fired for such a critical error. So anyway, the sad fact is, doctors make mistakes, VR makes tons of mistakes, Nuance treats us like expendable pieces of dirt, and it's all our fault, evidently...

Same at Mmodal so dont feel bad we are all - 2nd class citizens

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Probably not going to get any better - sm

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It is unlikely to get any better. The dictation that the SR can handle is being done by SR. The rest comes to you. Those companies are basically using you to train the front-end SR that they are developing. They aren't treating you well because you are an expendible commodity. They acquire MTs when they take on accounts, the SR soon does most if it, and they have a glut of MTs toget rid of. I think the ill-treatment, impossible standards, and constant fault-finding are deliberate tactics to help move you on your way.

If you have not begun training for a new career, I would urge you to do so asap. Things are not going to get better. You can use your skills in fields close to MT or far away. Even though you may have loved MT, you can love something else, too.

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