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Nasty posts about QCs - jingle

Posted: Sep 28, 2013

It amazes me how nasty some people can be regarding QCs.  They make mistakes just like everyone else.  If they mark something incorrectly, I'm would be willing to bet that it is just a mistake.  Like the posting about S1-S2, do you really think that QC intentionally marked that wrong?  No, of course not, it was a mistake.  Those of you who are making such nasty remarks, are you perfect?  I don't think so.  Instead of complaining about the people who are doing the QC, then why don't you all apply for one of the QC jobs and then maybe you will understand why they mark what they mark.  They are only following the guidelines they are given, just like MLS's are supposed to follow guidelines that they are given.  I know for a fact that QCs don't just make stuff up to mark, they have a document to go by . . . they don't make it up themselves.  Anyway, hats off to everyone out there who is perfect, you must be very proud of yourselves. 

QC's - reader

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What is ironic is that I have seen the reports that docs type up themselves and they are worse than anything an MT can type up.

Jingle, you sound defensive - Jan U. Via

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You've made a point that no one is perfect and yet Nuance expects score of 99% to 100%, consistently. What do you call that? I supposedly got a score of 99% on every pay check, but do I believe that to be accurate up or down, no way - get real. None of us are cyborgs, mere humans. FIESA is someone's skewed idea to keep the MLSs in their place while they rave about their quality to future clients. Flummadiddle, skimble-skamble, and other arkymalarky - in other words pure unadulterated bullstank!

More descriptions for FIESA - Jan U. Via

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FIESA and Nuance = Tommyrot! Poppycock! Truthiness! Balderdash! Rot! Crapola! Hogwash! Donkey dust! meadow mayonnaise! What a bunch of bottom feeders!

Descriptions of FIESA - Fedup2

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Shenanigans (of QC). They will have to get out the dictionary.

Wrong, QA is supposed to be perfect - Ex-QA-er

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Sorry, this does not cut it. It is your responsibility to be correct. If you can't do that, don't QA, and don't excuse yourself, you are supposed to be the master editor, the top level. And, by the way, when I was QA, I was always double checking myself. I knew that many of the MTs I was checking were just as good as I, maybe better, and I had better be sure I was right if I found myself disagreeing. QA is expected to catch mistakes and fill in blanks if possible, if you can't do that, what is the point of QA?

QC - fedup2

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I don't "suppose" the follow the guidelines, I DO follow the guidelines.

QC - Disappointed QC

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I am a QC for Nuance and personally I am blown away by the negativity towards us! I cannot speak for other QCs, but I go out of my way to be fair with scoring, deciding what "errors" need to be documented in Fiesa at all, etc. I try to give positive comments if due, and hints where I think they may be helpful. For the record, some of you need to get your facts straight because quite a bit of the info posted in this forum is inaccurate.

Thank you - new but old

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Thank you because there are some QC who i really do appreciate it. I don't mind constructive criticism at all and I appreciate the ones of you who tell me good job on ones that I did a good job on. We are all human and we are all going to make mistakes. There are those of us on both sides unfortunately think we "know it all" Nice goes a long way in this business. I make a point of always checking my FIESA daily not like some of those and there are days where I feel really good about it and other days where the comments that are left are very degrading to me as an MT for years and years. Some of them talk to us as if we have no brain and don't care what we put out. I take pride in what I do and certainly do not want to send out less than perfect but it will happen and to be made to feel the way I come away feeling after some of the remarks are very upsetting and I think does contribute to making more mistakes because I get nervous about everything I do. Thank you for your work and your kind words. Understand that these comments are not meant for ones like you as I for one realize that not all are bad.

For the record - Fedup2

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Facts is what y'all are all about. Yes, I lump you all together. If you have power to take away my bonus, then YOU need to get your facts straight. Not me, spending MY time to get the bogus QC reversed. And I have had almost all mine reversed. So I didn't make the mistake to begin with, but have to WASTE my time fixing your mistake. And no, I don't want a QC job. I want to do my job because I got into this field for the right reason. Don't care about the corporate ladder.

With power comes RESPONSIBILITY. Use your power wisely or it will bite you.

VERY well said. - agree with you (SM)

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This is my take on QA/QC: I work on several accounts and therefore deal with several different QA/QC. About 5% of you are decent, helpful and respectful. The rest of you are on some psychotic power trip where you take great joy in finding the most minute error on a report and making a huge deal out of it. Then you make me feel as if I am a complete idiot for typing "in" instead of "on" then you tack on some big explanation about why the error is so wrong... total waste of time. Then I find I know more aobut MT than most of you because when I challenge something, I can back it up and YOU are wrong. I recently found out that if a QA/QC gets challenged and it is overturned, then they get a mark against them. That's my secret pleasure, knowing that when something gets overturned, YOU'RE the one getting smacked, not me! Also, I think you're jealous because we, the lowly MLS/MT make more $$$ than you do!

Disappointed QC - poppy

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Thank you!!! I'm a QC too and I don't appreciate all the negativity and inaccuracy on here either.

Congratulations, Nuance - You accomplished your goal

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Of QCs/QAs versus MTs, both competing for ridiculous and minute bonuses WHICH SHOULD BE PART OF OUR PAY ANYWAY, being the main focus instead of you, big corporation which has medical transcription as only a line item, being exposed as just another corporate raider using "the importance of providing quality to our clients" as a way to make us into the next Wal-Mart food stamp Medicaid recipients.

In a word, the push for minimum wage MTs, a position which, to do well, requires immense knowledge and skill, fast typing, fast thinking. It is a challenging and rewarding job. Excuse us for thinking we WERE something. You put is in our rightful place, right?

And you, poor QC who feels put upon. You are not telling us why whoever marked the S1-S2 fiasco is not just an innocent mistake. If we made that mistake, whoops 3.0 points off right? Do you get any points off? Do you lose any hourly pay? I think not.

My guess is QC gets bonuses based on more errors they mark, my guess is based on this Nuance ad from July:

"Are you tired of reviewing documents with multiple blanks and multiple errors and being reimbursed the same as you are for reviewing documents with a couple blanks? How would you like to increase your earning potential just for doing what you do best? ...looking for high producing, high quality Quality Control Editors who have the ability and drive to add significant value to reviewed documents. We are now offering an aggressive reimbursement incentive for these hourly positions which increases earning potential based on errors identified and blanks filled in. The more value you add to your documents, the more points you accrue, and the more money you can make...up to 40% increase over your base salary!"

So my guess is that in an effort to "add value" to the document, they are sometimes rushing through things with an eye on that bonus, just like we have to do because our line count is sucking because we are so afraid to lose our bonus we proofread stuff double and triple times and doubt everything. And then comes the email telling us to get the line count up, as if there is no reason not to.

So, before you complain again, think about going from $20/hr to $12/hr due to one short buyout, then think that your lousy $12/hr includes $100 A WEEK "bonus" which you will lose FOR 3 MONTHS if you make a mistake like putting S1-S2 instead of S1, S2, for instance. And put yourself in our shoes. At least you get your sweet hourly rate no matter what you do.

You ever think that if Nuance had left the QC/QA back the way it used to be, with you guys being there, usually highly knowledgeable, to try to get everyone educated about issues/errors we might be continuously missing, to inform MTs in your expertise that is SUPPOSED TO BE the guidelines and the specs, and NOBODY dreaming that anyone would be financially penalized OR rewarded unless you were hopeless and kept making dumb mistakes and not caring.

The actual job we do has not really changed. It is obvious to me that the purpose of FIESA is to cut this line item of (MTs and QAs) salaries so they look better to a potential buyer.

So if you would care to divulge the bonuses/penalties of your employment that might help us understand.

If you get enough "errors" in your work, do you get your $100/week bonus taken away for 3 months and do you have to pore through the "errors" on your own time to try to prevent the loss of the bonus?

Just so you can see how it is from our side. But yay, we have all accomplished one company objective, MTs vs QAs so we don't look at the man behind the curtain.

S1-S2 - Jyll

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That isn't just a mistake. If I remember correctly, the QC marked that off because they thought that S1, S2 in the CARDIOVASCULAR section meant vertebra. That isn't a simple mistake. That is down right stupidity. If your job is correcting other people's work, you should be required to know more than the people whose work you are meant to correct.

S1-S2 - Fedup2

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She put it nicely,something I am not inclined to do after wasting my time on QC shenanigans (secret or dishonest activity in case QC does't know how to use Google either).

Same mistakes - fedup

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Jingle, for me it's the same QC ID number that keeps making the same mistakes over and over, even though they have supposedly been told about them.

Nope, you can't get away with that. - MTRockyRoad

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MTs are held to the highest bar right now with barely wiggle room for the tiniest mistake, so that means QC/QA are held to that slimmest of margin above that bar. Yes, it's nearly impossible, but you CAN'T and SHOULDN'T be wrong because that's the standard set by the industry right now.

Jingle - QC post

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While I agree in theory with your post that, yes, having done QA (not for Nuance), QA personnel are human and do indeed make mistakes.

The issue with the S1-S2/S1, S2, however, defies the theory of that particular correction being simply a mistake.

Any MT, even ones fresh out of school, should be well aware that S1, S2 is a physical examination finding. It's not as if that particular phrase were contained in, say, imaging results or test results. It was in the physical examination. Furthermore, there is no "S1-S2" vertebral body, which is the example the QC person cited to the MT who posted about it.

This just defies explanation and, even being totally objective and understanding we're all human and make mistakes on occasion, the ONLY conclusion I personally can arrive at is that the QC person who audited this report is completely inexperienced and underqualified to be proofing another MT's work.

With all due respect to your post, and I don't intend this post to be inflammatory or argumentative, I just can't reconcile the "S1-S2/S1, S2" example at hand to be a simple error on the part of QC.

S1, S2 OP - sm

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The thing is, they didn't just mark it wrong, they changed what I typed correctly (S1,S2 normal under the cardiovascular section) to something that is entirely wrong(S1-S2 normal) and left the comment about account specs and vertebral spaces!! Where in the guidelines does it say to change something that is correct to something that is entirely wrong? This goes beyond just an honest mistake! and really, it is just plain absurd!

QCs mistakes - not perfect

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What??? S1-S2 a mistake? I have typed that thousands and thousands of times and have never gotten it wrong once since I first learned how it was to be transcribed. Are we perfect? No, but we are expected to be, and your job as QC is to make us feel inferior if we are not 99.5% perfect. I don't believe this post!

Im sorry but a person who does not know the - difference between the

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spine and cardiovascular heart sounds has no business QA'ing anyone's work, let a lone doing transcription.

That is a no-brainer and not even something that one has to think about. At some point when she was entering the comment about putting a dash between S1, S2, it should have dawned on her "oops, this is the cardiovascular section of the physical exam." The person who QA'd that report had plenty of time to catch that "honest mistake."

Agree. For Jingle to think it's a simple 'mistake" shows some are not qualified - anon

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to be a QC. QC didn't simply count it as an error, they also took the time to "explain" why.

The OP typed "S1, S2" heart sounds under the CARDIOVASCULAR heading IN A PHYSICAL EXAMINATION, yet QC's comment after 'correcting' it was "per account specs, transcribe vertebral spaces with a hyphen."

Sorry Jingle, but if you defend this, I wouldn't want you QC'ing my reports. You've just made yourself look bad.

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