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I have this sinking feeling that every so often QA decides they are going to catch a set amount of errors and they go about it. Then, time passes and nothing. Then, it starts up again. It seems to have a pattern. I personally noticed this not only because the e mail alerts from the review show up a lot at a time and then stop. As well, my sup sends e mails that all of a sudden we (the MTs) are making so many errors. (This is during the times I get a deluge of error e mails.) Then, when I am not getting errors or e mails the sup sends e mails saying we are all doing so well (all of a sudden).
This indicates to me I am not in good moods and bad moods where my work swings suddenly from excellent to awful, that this is across the board since the sup's e mails reflect we are all fluctuating.
Statistically how can everyone be having the same flux of bad error streaks and good flux of nonerror streaks.
Is this tied to the facility having bad dictators all at once and good ones all at once?
Or is it actually QA deciding they are going to ding everything and everyone at once.
I may be overthinking it, but I used to think I stunk (in the business for over 25 years). I am continuing the same practicies of listening to every if, and, but and comma. I am not slacking. If I have a bad day or two it is usually because I get a string of bad dictators and I get weary. Otherwise I do not swing major errors a lot, then all of a sudden get brilliantly wonderful.
So, after this long statement, can you all tell me, is it me? Is it my imagination? Or does evidence show (the e mail from the sup) that these swings are coming from other than myself (everyone all at once). Or is it the QA.
I would appreciate your thoughts on the matter, because this seems extremely "fishy."