A community of 30,000 US Transcriptionist serving Medical Transcription Industry
I have been reading recent posts regarding testing -- filling in information, etc., and I have never seen such a bunch of paranoid MTs in my life. I tell the truth regarding my resume, SS#, phone number and experience. Yes, I HAVE "failed" tests wtih MTTest.com and decided that company postiion was not for me. My newest job; I was called on the phone, offered the position, had to test, failed the "third written test" but was still hired. I am making an above average salary and am paid weekly and even the ESLs are not bad.
I read a recent post where one of the MTs mentioned "correct spelling in a sentence;" this is exactly what some of these tests are about. If you don't see anything misspelled, then leave it blank. Most of the tests that I have takien through MTTest.com allow you ample time to finish the test. I have never seen a timer held to my head like a gun and I do take the time to look up terms that I am not sure about. That is part of the test as well, in the situation of what resources do you have at your fingertips to look things up and how quickly can you do so?
With the actual transcrption portion of the test, I use Word, my spellchecker and other references and go from there. I also try to format the report as close as I can as to the actual report being dictated. I then copy and paste into the "test dictation" format and save and then send.
The most important thing is before you hit the "submit" button is to go back and double check any items on the test that you may question -- no, I am not a "suit" but only an MT, who has taken a lot of these tests, failed a few, and had numerous job offers -- right now, with what I have, plenty of work, weekly pay, staying put.