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Even more paranoid - really anonymous

Posted: Dec 03, 2010

Not only am I paranoid about the keystrokes per hour and the mouse click-thing, I have gotten 3 reports back for "errors."  One of the report numbers I could not find all last month in my detailed list of reports, and on one the other two I seriously doubt that I was responsible for the errors that I am being acused of (they were both left-out words -- something I have never been guilty of before -- might have a typo as I am not perfect, but never once left out words, and supposedly I left out two things in ONE REPORT?) 

I make above line rate (typing most horrid dictation imaginable all day, but whatever), and  I fear it has put me in the hot seat.  Husband says don't worry about it -- take the unemployment if they fire me.  Still, I have never been fired from anything in my life.  I kind of tend to be an over-achiever and perfectionist, if anything. 

Disclaimer:  Please don't slam me.  I am having a bad enough day. 

Even more paranoid - kittykat

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Isn't there a way you can have those reports sent back to re-listen? Especially the one you said was not on your list? I really do not know how they can fire anyone for something like that. I am not trying to be paranoid, but do they have to prove the report said this and when it was QA'd it was suppose to say that. Isn't that like taking someone's word against yours. I once had a QA person change hiatus hernia to hernia and I did get to re-listen to it and let my CCM know. How can they do that when NOBODY is perfect!

Does anybody remember when they told us - to not keep log sheets anymore

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?? Ha! I said fat chance! I write down every report I do. That way, there is no question about what I did.

No lob? - anon

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I've never heard of not keeping a log. I don't keep patient names, but I do write down the job# and length. You need the job# so you can check if you are credited with the job, there have been times I needed the number when I called support with a problem.
I not only keep all my logs, I keep every IM and email - re: performance, errors, quotas, etc. on file.
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How in dumb do they really think we are?

I used to keep a log until they told us not to. Wastes - sm

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too much time and just makes my pay go down even more.

Go back a ways and check. - Happened to me too

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These reports are often from 2 months back or so, at least mine have been. Its kind of a pain to have to go back that far and search for that job # in correction and transcription. It would help if they would give us the date. And I think they are nit picking everybody anymore. They have marked me down a couple of times for some really goofy things, so I wouldn't worry too much unless you hear directly from your CCM.

Really anonymous - Ex-MQ

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I'm not going to slam you! I worked for these scoundrels for 10 years and finally quit because I could not stand any more of their stuff. If they have any way they can put one over on you, they will. It's not YOU, it's them.

Did you look into unemployment - After you quit?

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I've gotten 97.5% as well and am afraid they will just dock my line rate, but I would prefer to be fired to collect unemployment. Some MTs here said they can collect unemployment if you quit due to unexpected circumstances or something like that.

I've been dinged for reports I never even typed. - QA is laughable, at best. nm

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