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Maybe I'm just getting overly sensitive but ... - anon

Posted: May 25, 2012

I'm seeing a crap load of emails coming from the CCM and the Quality Coaches about information "not being input correctly" on the ADT.  In our region, just about every account wants their ADT "searches" done a specific way and it's very confusing.  I can't see where it's even ethical to reprimand us for a part of our job that isn't even paid for.  Can they do this?  I have been thinking all morning about replying to the latest ADT reminder,

"Dear (CCM and Quality Coach): 

In regard to your latest email ... is it TRUE we're not even being paid for this?"

I've decided that from now on, I am going to put in a REASONABLE amount of effort into getting the ADT done correctly.  This is based on the details that I can REMEMBER without taking a huge amount of time searching client profiles for ADT requirements for each client.  If I am not going to be compensated for this task, I am going to give them exactly what they pay for.  If I get fired for not doing this task without pay, I'm sure the attorneys will LINE UP to speak with me. 



Maybe the QCs should be doing it - signalfire

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If they want it done correctly and are already spending the time double checking it, and are paid by the hour unlike the MTs, then perhaps this should be THEIR job. Just tell them to put in a supply of Tums and vodka to get them through the day...

AMEN. There needs to be a "QC team" if it's that important - MME

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Our region has at least 5 clients who each demand to have the ADT done a different way. Search by MR #, search by billing #, "there are doctors that are famous for inputting the wrong number in which case you find the patient this way ..."

From now on, "I'm going do my best to get it right -- WITHIN REASON" is going to be my new mantra. And because they are asking me to give them a service that I'm not being paid for, "within reason" will be on MY terms.

I'm not saying I won't do the ADT task, what I AM saying is that I'm not going to kill myself anymore to satisfy a billion special requests that won't put food on my table anymore.

In case you haven't noticed - old and burned out

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we are told to do many things for which we do not get paid. My favorite is telling us to look up old reports which takes a special log-in to DQM and then takes forever to find what you might be looking for. Then if you don't use it for a while, it times out and you have to contact Support to reset your password. I refuse to do this. When the day comes that they bug me about it my reply is going to be that if my work is not good enough for them, they can fire me but I am not going to sit here and work for minimum wage after 40 years of experience. Of course, I can live without their miniscule salary and I know many of you cannot.

I'm at minimum wage too so if it doesn't generate "income" - it will be done in the periphery

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And that means, "if I have time to look it all up" and "if I can remember". If it doesn't fall into one of those two categories, it will no longer be a main concern.

Oh I hear ya - right there with you

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I bounced onto an account the other day that required multiple full address carbon copies (all unpaid of course) and I just punched out. Whoever would want that account when you spend 5-10 minutes every report for free? And of course, there is a detailed section in the CP on how exactly to put the address in the carbon copy, which begs the question- if we are doing it for free anyway how can they demand it a certain way and how can they get mad if it isn't done a certain way? And who is crazy enough to keep that account as their primary? If it were my account I have asked to transfer after the first report. Last I checked we don't volunteer for this company!

WOOT, we must work for the same CCM/QC - anon

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If not, I have an account IDENTICAL to that.

Another account puts all the "addressee" information on the ADT. Clever, huh.

ADT and cc info is one of reasons I quit - no name

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It was extremely time consuming and for no pay.

P.S. Just finished 40 hours at the new job and made just $150 less for ONE week than I did at MM for TWO weeks!!

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