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All this speculation about the new pay plan is not doing - wannie

Posted: Dec 01, 2014

any of us any good. I'm sure we all got the same e-mail about the new pay plan with no specifics on it. This probably won't be a very popular thing but, for myself, I'm going to wait and see before I get all bent out of shape about it. I know that Nuance is not famous for doing good things for the MLS, but still, speculating and having us all being paid minimum wage before the fact is not helping us. It only increases our stress levels. I don't have any inside news or anything like that, but I can't believe we won't have some kind of base line rate (not minimum wage). If they base it on minimum wage, they would almost have to pay us hourly and I don't see that happening. BTW, I'm not management, not a TSM, nothing like that. I personally think it's horrible that Nuance has waited so long to give us the information (particularly right before Christmas), but I still think we should wait and see.

I do see some good that comes from worrying - about it. It will get some people -

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thinking about what their alternative employment options might be, rather than just hunkering down and hoping for the best.

We probably should have been thinking about - wannie

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alternative employment for a long time, lol, and looking ahead is fine. It's just all this speculating when we really don't have a clue is not doing us any good. We either go ahead and start looking or we hunker down and see what's going to happen. It's just a decision we each have to make. All the speculating in the world won't change what they have already decided to do. But, to each his own. I just pray that we all find some kind of peace in and through this situation. Once again, I will say it stinks that they do this right before Christmas. Thankfully, I don't have small children to think about explaining to them why Santa Claus didn't leave much this year. My kids are grown and several years ago we decided to stop the gift giving among ourselves. We all have so much more than we need now that it's ridiculous. We just focus on the grandkids now and that may be a little slim this year, but that's okay, too. Anyway, I hope things look better for all of us soon.

Also, what better year than this one to finally - get off the holiday gift-giving treadmill!

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It's so out of control, I can't even believe it anymore. People who can't afford it are out there right now, packing the big-box stores (and making them rich) buying far too many gifts, for far too much money, for far too many people. Just because "that's how it's done." Look at Black Friday. It's become more of a tradition in this country than Thanksgiving. It's all the TV news focuses on, anymore. Lines of people camped out for DAYS outside of a Best Buy, just so they can upgrade from a 40-inch flat-screen TV to a 55-inch curved-screen TV. That's what their "family Thanksgiving" has become.

And look at all the people who, after falling for all that retail media blitz, are in debt up to their eyeballs for the rest of the year, trying to pay it off. Most of them who get the credit cards paid off do so just in time for the NEXT holiday season. It's insane!

Losing one's job or income around the holidays is the perfect platform to start having a conversation with your family about what is more important - things, or family experiences. It's the perfect time to stop the consumer madness. I got tired of the impossibility of finding gifts for people who for the most part have pretty much everything they need, and for whom I'm not even sure what they want, on a limited or nonexistent budget. They all breathed sighs of relief when I proposed we not do this anymore! Instead, we focus on the season, and giving what we can, when we can afford it, to people who truly want or need it. The only gift I'm giving this year is to one of my friends. It's a silly little tree ornament that she saw in a photo and has wanted SO badly, and couldn't find it anywhere. I have a lot of time on my hands these days, since I can't find work, so I searched far and wide, and - unbelievably - I found the little ornament she wanted so badly! I'm mailing it today - she will absolutely be beside herself when she opens the package! Now THAT is what gift-giving should be all about.
and slimming down, can't afford food! nm - oh no
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Totally agree! - mtnicki
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The real reason for Christmas has been forgotten. It has turned into more and more of a greed season with the merchants counting their millions, even going as far as to have Thanksgiving now "almost" the biggest shopping day of the Christmas season. How awful! The family has disappeared, religion and faith have been banned, but shop-til-you-drop is the absolute perfect "religion" for Christmas now. In our family we have done the same thing. Put an end to gift buying and all the stress that goes with doing that. For us Christmas is every day of the year. I may see a cute pot holder in KMart and think "gosh, mom would love that" and so I take it home to her. Or she may be home alone, eating dinner that night by herself and I decide to take an extra portion of food to her which we share. My husband brings me a candy bar now and then, and I bake him his favorite pie for dessert once in a while. We enjoy each other and what we have to be thankful for. Life, good health, a warm home, food, clothing, and the talents and abilities that God has also blessed us with. In all things give thanks, the Bible tells us. In this country we can't even take one single day out of the year, Thanksgiving Day, to take time to give thanks and be with family. Instead, folks rush to "door busters" in crowds that will run you over if you are in their way or take something from your cart that they weren't there early enough to get. How sad things have become. So I admire those who posted here about their ways of celebrating Christmas, in ways that are meaningful and lasting. God bless us all!
I wish I could like this post about 10 million times. - wannie
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Christmas is supposed to be a time of celebration, not a time of being stressed out about how to pay for gifts that nobody needs anyway. Thanks for sharing your ideas, too! Merry Christmas!
Good post - Fatigued Fingers
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Shopping seems to have become the new god and the stores have becomes war zones with people fighting each other to get big screen TVs and whatever else society thinks we "need" to have. We give each other little gifts throughout the year so that when the holiday season arrives we have time to enjoy each other's company and that of our families.
My siblings and I don't get together that often - anymore - we are spread out -sm
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all over the country, and some not in good health anymore. However, not too long ago, when our mom & dad were still alive, we'd have Thanksgiving and/or Christmas at their house, and our family tradition was for all of us "kids" to go take a hike... literally! We'd drive to a favorite trail, creek, or canyon and go for a long afternoon of exploring. That left Mom and Dad in peace for a few hours, so they could cook, read, or take a nap!

Then, when we returned we were tired, hungry, and a lot less antsy. (Much easier for older parents to deal with!) Plus we had the added bonus of relating tales of our hiking adventure during dinner.

Now, years later, even if I'm spending Thanksgiving or Christmas alone, it's pretty much hard-wired in my DNA to want to go for a long hike, drive or bike ride on a holiday afternoon.

Nobody is saying it is based on min wage. That - only came about with their

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notation on the email about guaranteed min wage. That has nothing to do with the plan, that is the law. I think everyone has a very good right to be worried when your employer cannot tell you what your rate of pay is. How are you going to know you're not being cheated? Why can't they just tell us what the base is and then the added incentives? Hiding the base leads to plenty of speculation, mainly they have no idea and, thus, how are we to know if our pay is being calculated fairly? Maybe you have another source of income, but as a single parent, I need to set my goal for the week/payperiod so I know exactly what I'll be making. Not telling the base or min lph is just ludicrous. It clearly stinks of deception.

I didn't say it didn't stink. I simply said all the - wannie

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speculation is not doing us any good. Yes, I have another source of income, but it takes BOTH incomes to keep us afloat. I have to be able to set a goal, too. My e-mail also said there would be conference calls later this week that should provide us with more information. I know that paying minimum wage is the law, but Nuance has always had to do that as do all companies that meet certain requirements. That is nothing new. Yes, all the secretiveness is deceptive and I don't understand why Nuance feels it necessary to do it this way, but they did and I can choose to let it make me a nervous wreck or I can choose to find out all the definitives before making any kind of decision. I choose the latter.


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What other kind of business can anyone think of where they don't tell you how much you are getting paid? I am out of here any minute, but this just keeps getting worse and worse.

We are treated like we are computers with no face, no name, but there is one thing they can't do the work without us and we are all getting ripped off. We should all get 10.00 at the very minimum no matter speech rec or straight typing. Let them use the computers for their work and see how many reports get sent back. They get sent back with us donating our time to correct them and they still aren't perfect enough for them.

BASE PAY - Sammie

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They sent us our "base pay" for PTO at the beginning of the quarter, but that is only for PTO not for being OOW. I've been sitting here thinking how mean and sick it is to send us this email effective Dec 6th, right before Christmas. All this does is worry us more if we can pay the bills or buy our kids a Christmas present. All the single moms out there trying to eek out a living doing this for practically minimum wage, trying to keep insurance on the family...how will they do it? The insurance is expensive, will you make enough to even cover the insurance premiums? They said to watch for info....the TSM doesn't answer e-mails, we have nothing to go on except to speculate what will happen and make ourselves sicker and sicker. I have had it!
TSMs don't know either - MTrauma
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Our TSM told us that unfortunately she's as much in the dark as we are. But the TSMs need to be well versed on this, well ahead of time, so they can answer our questions when the plan goes into effect. So in my book, N management has no respect for their TSMs either. This is not a "people" company, that's for sure.
only at Nuance one must - eek out a living...
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EEK - they are daring us to try and make min wage!

We knew it would not be favorable for MTs for many reasons but, for me, naming it the PATIENT Safety Compensation Plan screams that MTs are in no way being considered in this pay plan!!
Disgusted! - Getting Out
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Patient safety...what a joke. What do they think we have been doing up until this time...just flying through without the patient's safety first and foremost. Will the doctors get their pay cut when they make massive errors in their dictating that we are finding? No, but you can bet your paycheck that we will hear about it. I am done with this crap. Not to tell us what our pay will be is just a joke. I applied for 2 jobs today and will keep on applying. I am praying at least someone calls me. I need to get out of here before my sanity, what's left of it, is completely gone. I am on the edge of claiming bankruptcy and getting evicted. Merry Christmas...NOT. Filling out applications and sending resumes...I hope it comes to an end and soon. Of course the topping on the cake is the cherry picking at its all time high today. I see a bunch of dinging coming from this work day since I got all the crap today. Yay me!
Base pay is NOT your PTO or benefit rate. Base - pay in this scenario is cpl you are making
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The PTO or benefit rate is calculated based on your prior total lines and earning and fluctuates each year.
Base pay - Sammie
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Yes, I know that. That is why I said "the beginning of this quarter"

speculation - agree

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Didn't they do something similar the last time there was change in pay? If my memory serves me correct, seems like there was very vague information at first, then a power point presentation or something like that with more detailed information but it couldn't be printed out; if needed memory refreshed, just had to go back in an watch it again.

I think that was the Fiesa rollout - nm

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speculation - agree

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You are probably right :) I think they have done the vague general information thing first and then followed it up with more details in a presentation later before(also, please excuse my errors in above comment! My bad!!!).
New pay program - been there
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I quit Nuance in October and one time when I was talking to my TSM on the phone she told me the new pay plan was going going to me a three-tier set up where everyday it can change depending on how you do. One day, if you have a bad day, you can be in tier one, but the next day you might have a terrific day and get to tier 2 or 3. I don't know the specifics about the amount of money in each tier. At the time I was talking to her it did sound okay to me, but I chose to leave anyway. I am not sure what they have been telling you in emails. But that is what my TSM told me there is going to be three pay tiers and you can make different money every day.
That sounds like the perfect opportunity - for them to find as many - sm
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errors in the MTs' work as possible. That way they automatically get paid less. How will anyone make it to the top tier, if the QA process is already rigged in their favor?
That figures, I initially had hoped when they - talked about tiers
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That you might actually get some points for being a veteran and knowing an account, and other things they used to give you credit for in doing this job.

But no, am I nuts, this is Nuance! Their point is to keep you on your toes and zap you down if you make one mistake, making sure you feel it in your pay packet, bringing newbies and oldies down to the same level of deprivation.

Lovely. That figures. I thought they were finding it hard to fill these positions because not everyone can do what we do?

Well, this approach seems bent on proving that anyone can do what we do and penalizing those of us who are consistently good by making us pay for any little transgression by bringing us down to the lowest common denominator.

I should have known they wouldn't be rewarding us old-timers, what was I thinking?

Bah, humbug, Nuance. You are Scrooge.

Nuance as industry standard - bebomo

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The health service I work for is using Nuance as an industry standard, I suppose because that is where they got their VR system. Every time we question something we get "it is the industry standard." I am afraid of what they are going to come up with next. I was so spoiled working for salary, I have a hard time getting my head around the justification of PPL. Working harder and getting paid less??? You never know if the doc is going to be a decent dictator, give you the information you need, audio quality is decent. So you are working harder and getting paid less. I know that is just the way it is, but nothing is going to make me feel it is equitable in any way. I am just glad I am approaching retirement. Don't get me wrong, I love medical transcription, I even enjoy editing. But I feel I cannot do the job I know I can with knowing in the back of my mind every time I have to check something, I am getting paid less. What is the sense in that? Definitely all about the bottom line which is really scary. There is no personal integrity involved at all, I feel like we are just like pieces of equipment which can be replaced in a moment's notice. Very disheartening after 30+ years in medical transcription.

If that's the industry standard - we are all in trouble

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Just sayin'.

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