A community of 30,000 US Transcriptionist serving Medical Transcription Industry

This is my plan- - mt

Posted: Aug 28, 2013

I will check for work during my schedule. Work it if possible, if not, just use the no wrk excused absence comment. I am not going to work around the clock to try and make it up. Ridiculous. If you want to, that is okay, but seems crazy to ask people to do this.  Why don't the supervisors/TSMs have a call about this. We get an email, but never anyone to tell us directly about a change. I just cannot believe that they expect employees to try and make up the time.

it's surprising - with their legal advisors

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that they would attempt something so blatantly illegal.

I'm staying punched in and logged in, after my 6 minutes. - they can pay me makeup pay

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I'm not working any other shift. I'm not working any other days. I will punch out for my 6 minutes, file ticket as demanded, and log right back in and sit on my duff till a job comes in. They can pay me the balance to minimum wage or give me work!

I like that! - mt

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Yes, your line count will suck- mine does too with the terrible dictators, and at least you will get paid for scheduled hours. Seems fair. That is what you agreed to work.

Why - would

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you do that, just file for unemployment and sign up for TAA. Why would you stay at your computer?

can we still do that though? - supposed to get 40 hours

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come hell or high water we are supposed to get our time in so how can you still file? I'm wondering what MM will do though if we just can't get our time in. Will they take our PTO? Take away our benefits? Put is in "performance management?" Fire us?
They - may
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do all the above, but I don't care, I'm not staying at my computer 24/7. I don't know all the specifics but TAA will help you with your benefits. People need to get signed up for it even if you don't want to go to school.
you can't sign up unless laid off or not getting hours in - sm
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You must be laid off, which I'm not, or not getting enough work do to offshoring, which now I am no thanks to them laying off other employees. Its not just for all of us.
It - will not
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last long though. I'm still out of work even after the layoffs. After the last batch, I had work for a few weeks, then gone again. If you have been out until just now, I would still sign up.
There's this little thing called "overtime". - And "engaged to wait." (sm)
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You're contracted to work an 8-hour shift, 40-hour week. If they can't give you enough work to fill that shift, it's THEIR problem, not yours. If they want you plugged-in and engaged-to-wait for more than 8 hours, just to type a few more lines, then they'll have to pay you for it. It's as simple as that. The only reason they've been getting away with this illegal practice is we've all been scardey-cats, sitting there letting them do that to us. I think we've pretty much reached the point of nothing left to lose, don't you think? I know I have little to lose. Might get fired? Too bad. I'd make more getting unemployment, so let them fire me. It would also give me more free time to do a proper, full-on job hunt for another form of employment. Or to go back to school.

They're preying on our fears when they tell us to flex our hours (24 hours a day?) and MUST meet some bogus line count "minimum" in order to remain employed. If they don't have enough available work to make meeting said minimum achievable, then that rule is pretty much null-and-void, isn't it?

They can't have it both ways. Either they send - me the work, or they can pay me (sm)

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for the time I'm required to sit here waiting for it to dribble in. Not having enough work to do gives me a whole lotta time to document to the Nth degree. And I'm doing just that. I document every flippin' minute. I also refuse to alter my time sheet anymore, just so they can get out of making up the difference if the crumbs they toss my way don't add up to minimum wage. Minimum wage is the LAW in this country, and it's time they started abiding by it.

So they might fire me? Hah! They can be my freaking guest. All my documentation is in order, ready and waiting for a little trip to my friendly local Labor Board office.

Either OR, MTSOs. Either OR.

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