A community of 30,000 US Transcriptionist serving Medical Transcription Industry


Posted: Nov 22, 2013


WHAT ABOUT MT RAISES AND BONUSES FOR US YOU MOTARD!  (Moron and Retard put together). 

It's time for Ricci to go. He paid himself $37 million last year, even though Nuance shares have declined 23% in value in the last 12 months.

Proverbs 22:16 - sm

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"Whoever oppresses the poor to increase his own wealth, or gives to the rich, will only come to poverty."

Poverty of spirit maybe... - sm

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He is laughing all the way to the bank. We are the ones enduring the poverty. Justice may come eventually but for his hapless employees it is already too late.

FIESA, MTslaves, etc - 7thchild

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Been with this company way too long (well, Transcend bought out by Nuance) and before then. I used to be able to make $15 an hour doing workmen's comp reports, then it went down to $10, now it's about $6. If I speed up to produce, I get dinged for everything. If I slow down to "their" idea of perfection, I don't even make min wage. I do NOT check FIESA. Whoever said that is right, it's just a way to demean us and ensure we don't ever make any extra money. It might mean our multi-millionaire CEO has to let one of his butlers go or something if we make any money. We are just the peons. They love the fact that we are all in our separate homes so that we don't compare notes with each other. I remember the old CEO at Transcend I think (I have changed hands so many times I can't even keep track!) We were all on a conference call, waiting or a few people. The CEO asked the manager where so-and-so was and why she wasn't working. She said she was sick, had the chills, headache, etc. The CEO snickered and said "that doesn't effect your hands..." I have never been so appalled but that is all we are to them anyway, a pair of hands, hands that make 4 cents per line to fix garbage and 8 cents a line to "transcribe", which is almost a dirty word to them I'm sure.

Nuance runs a slave labor camp of medical transcriptionists in the US ...sm. - oldtimer

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in the US and offshores as much work as they can get away with. Their VR program is terrible and no effort is made to improve it. The question is, if Mr. Ricci goes, will his replacement be an improvement? I doubt it.

Actually, the VR program is the best I've seen - SM

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I've said it before and I'll say it again.. The VR is great. It's the low ball pay that I take issue with. Also, the fact that they profess (and every single person higher up knows this is false) that you can edit 50% faster. Please. It's not an assembly line. It's someone's medical record. It's the LOW PAY Nuance. That is why you can't keep any employees and why this board exists in the first place, ya dummies.

VR GREAT! - burnedoutco

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Have to take issue with VR being great. I absolutely hate it. For me anyway, on some reports it barely picks up anything that makes sense, so you are going along almost re-typing the whole thing. If the dicator says he, it has she. If it is no, it misses out the no. If it is without it puts with. If the dictator says the lungs are clear, it puts crackles. And so on and so on. It is very easy to make mistakes because sometimes it even changes numbers around. It comes up with the most biazare things you wouldn't believe. In all conscience I have to read the reports again and to make sure all the garbage is edited out. I would rather just type the report and get less money than the VR. It is a cruel joke for transcriptionts. It is cumbersome and frustrating and you are set up to make mistakes.
That's because they let the reports - SM
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go into VR too soon. Actually it's because of many factors, none of which are the fault of the software but the fault of the company. They can fix all of those problems. When you get a good draft, you can see how good it CAN be, but you don't get those very often because someone decided to screw with how VR hears numbers and they have it set to repeat standard speech that a dictator always says, even if he doesn't say it that time. It's not the software's fault. It's the company. Ask anyone who uses the same software and works for a different company, and you'll see what I'm talking about. It is a very good VR program if you can separate it from Nuance.
oh my goodness....... - pennylane
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I could have written your post word for word. I hate VR as well. I am typing the report from top to bottom for half the money! You have to go back and reread it, sometimes twice, how do you make any money that way!!! And what about the keystrokes, I have only mastered a few because it takes so long to train my brain, so again am not making any money. Here is a sad fact ladies/gents.........I made 15.00 for 15 reports, most two page reports. How is that possible??

Northing is perfect - GoodVR

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that is why they need skilled MLEs. The VR is very good even with some of the ESLs with heavy accents. Nuance has a good thing going for themselves but not so much for their employees. What else is new, CEOs have been the downfall of many a good company in this country, paying themselves enormous salaries while the market share falls precipitiously and they are seemingly unaware of what is going. It's called blind greed coupled with ignorance.

On the heavy ESL accounts it's a - nightmare.

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There's rarely a line that doesn't need an edit and usually that line needs 4+ edits or even a retype.

Words to take out.

Words need to be put in.

He and not she, etc.

Her and not him, etc.

Random headings in the body of the PE or anywhere.

Double spacing between sections.

Random numbering (and forget an axis diagnoses. . .utter mess).

Capping allergies in accounts that don't want allergies capped and not capping in the accounts what want it.

The numbered lists are too flush to the right so have to redo the entire list(and blocking/ctrl L doesn't work.

Generic drugs are upper case.

Brand names are lower case.

It all takes a lot of time to correct.

The one good thing is that the commas are now in the lab values.

ditto - pennylane
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DITTO to all you said!!!
This is also true... - MT
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...for a completely crystal clear
American. ISR is idiotic speech replacement.

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