A community of 30,000 US Transcriptionist serving Medical Transcription Industry

School Choices - Michelle

Posted: May 12, 2011

I am trying to decide between MTEC and Andrews School.  I have looked at both programs and they both seem to be great!  I would love some feedback and direction as to which school to go with. They both have given great presentations!

School Choices - Old Pro

[ In Reply To ..]
Congratulations on doing your homework! It sounds like you have a businesslike, mature approach. As to the schools, they are both good schools and I do not doubt that you would get an excellent education at either one. My personal bias is that Andrews is the top of them all; other people may prefer M-TEC. Since they are both excellent schools that use good materials and either one will give you your money's worth, it all comes down to which one you yourself feel most comfortable with. I will tell you that I know of several Andrews grads who have had several job offers BEFORE they even graduated. And I will also tell you that I have never seen an Andrews grad who could not cut it on the job--or who had difficulty getting hired. I have not had much experience with M-TEC grads, but I know that the reputation of M-TEC as a school is excellent, and it would likely be a good choice as well. Good luck to you! Please let us know what you decide.

Can't Go Wrong - Andrews Grad

[ In Reply To ..]
Bless you for doing your homework and PAYING ATTENTION TO NOTES HERE. I think you can't go wrong with either. Me, myself, and I am a grad of Andrews and got a job straight away, before I graduated. Passed the employment test and everything before I had the little certificate in my hands.

Good luck to you, and again, you are so incredible for not getting sucked into a bad program.

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