A community of 30,000 US Transcriptionist serving Medical Transcription Industry

School help! - outdorz

Posted: May 09, 2012

Hi there...I am wondering if anyone has any advice about which school might be a better idea and why for Medical Transcription:

At Home Professions

Career Step

I live in Minnesota, want to work only from home, have 3 4 year college degrees, one a Master's. 


I would not - do MT

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You won't make any money. At all. You will spend too much effort learning for very little return. It's painful physically and financially. There must be something else you can do from home. Something creative that relates to your degrees? You have a bachelor's and a master's?

why - outdorz

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Why wouldnt you get into it?

because it's a dying profession! - slave wages

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You must be new! Please do not get into this profession. The powers that be want nothing more than to make us disappear, and it won't take long.
There is money to make. I make over $7,000 per month and am disabled - just me
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I make over $7,000 per month and am severely injured and can barely type, so it is possible to make money still. Two transcriptionists that assist me sometimes get paid almost twice as what I make. I did spend instead of make money my first year; however, I started in operative reports at a multispecialty surgery center and had to purchase a lot of reference books in every field of medicine just about as well as expensive equipment. Best training though I ever had. Usually, MTs start in office work though.
True. People can make a lot more money on - Disability than they can working.
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I am not collecting disability but work instead - just me
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I have our own accounts and do not work for MTSOs or deal with time-consuming platforms. I have no down time/time waiting for work; it is always there until the next morning when they start dictating again. My assistants have their own accounts as well and help me out when needed during backlog. Also, I have created a lot of short cuts and templates as well as saved out priors to use to save time and have about 9 accounts. I work hard and do not collect disability. I do not make anywhere near as what I used to but still do OK.
Social Security disability depends on how many - sm
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quarters that person WORKED and how much they EARNED while working.

I receive SSDI only plus Medicare, and the amount I receive is solely dependent upon my prior income and number of quarters.

I do NOT make more on SSDI than I did when I was working as an MT.

If a person is disabled but doesn't have enough income, then part of their benefit would come from Supplemental Security Income (SSI). I only receive one (SSDI) because my quarters and income made me eligible for SSDI only.

I have a neighbor who is bona fide disabled, yet he gets income from SSDI AND SSI, usually with Medicare and Medicaid to cover medical costs.

I've worked my entire life to incur those quarters and income amounts, but the only difference between SSI and SSDI is merely quarters and income earned during a person's lifetime.

I don't know if you think she's "playing" the system; there are many on this board who do think so, without ever knowing the person, the person's income and quarters; just a post from a total stranger that they might have a disabling condition generally brings out the red meat that the haters love to attack.

Let the flaming begin!
Definitely in this industry they can and you can bet - sm
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your sweet bippie this lady IS on disability. I would be interested in her response (doubt she will answer) as to where she works making that kind of money!! I mean that is almost $2000 a week. No way!
Again I work and do not collect disability, and I work for myself - just me
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If everybody on this board who is complaining they do not make any money and the MTSOs are ripping them off or not providing them with enough work, then why do they not get their own accounts and clients or set up shortcuts and templates. Yes, it is time-consuming at first but worth it. However, you will find out you incur a lot more costs than just a foot pedal and headset. BTW, I made considerably more prior to being disabled but worked up to 18-hour days 7 days a week. I worked up to this amount. It did not happen overnight. One thing is for sure, I do not struggle with bad dictators because I have total control and address this with the clients.
You do $7000/month, "can barely type".Your assistants "sometimes twice"... - MT
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You post this as a response that it is possible and use as an example that you are "severely injured and can barely type" but are averaging more than $40 an hour. People who "assist" you make sometimes twice that, i.e, $80 an hour. I'll give you the benefit of the doubt, so could you actually explain how this is "possible" for an MT? Good platform, production possibilities per hour?, straight typing or VR, etc.? Thanks.
work - just me
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I do not use VR but do use text expander, templates, saved out prior reports, and no time-consuming platforms to deal with. I also have my own accounts and do not sit there waiting for work. It is always there. I have about 9 accounts, so I am not sitting there with no work on my desk. When I finish at night, they dictate the next morning. I was making considerably more prior to my last surgeries but still I can continue working with all of the above and no I do not collect disability, as the poster above stated, and I do not have anybody financially supporting me. On the contrary, I have a family to support.
that is amazing and you just gave me so much hope - Amy
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I have just finished school and I was very excited to see that someone is able to make money in this industry. I have been so nervous as people say so many negative things.I am a single mom of 4 amazing daughters and I was hoping I made the right decision in my career path. I just wanted to thank you and congradulate you on your success!
Amy - Annie
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While the OP MAY be able to do this, I have never seen such a thing in my 35+ years in this industry. I have no doubt that RARE individuals can do it, but it is not the norm. It is kind of like saying "My car is a Bentley." Yes, there really ARE people who drive Bentleys, but 99.99% of the population do not. It is not realistic for most of us to even think of being able to buy one. I really hope you can do make this kind of money, but when I see MTs of great experience making 7 cpl, well.....I wish you luck!
I think "Just Me" is full of hot air. - mythought
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Besides that, my husband is on SS Disability and I know for a fact, if SS finds out you are working full-time, which you would have to be in order to make the $$ you're claiming you do, they will review your case and pull your free ride. I wish I knew who you were because I'd turn your butt in.
she says she is not on disability - cudbtru
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years ago when I had my own accounts, just 2, I made great money, I was by myself and made $3,000 a month, so if she had 9 accounts and people helping her, it's possible. She can set her own price her line or by hour. She could be charging .20 a line or $15 an hour, and also could be typing 18 hours a day. So yeah could be possible
I am NOT on disability but work instead - just me
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Again, I am NOT collecting disability or any other form of assistance whatsoever. I work, and I work hard despite pain and disabilities. I have my accounts well organized and lots of shortcuts. No time-consuming platforms and no waiting for work. It can be done.
I have to agree. I am not surprised that she did not - sm
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answer my question as to where she works!! She really is just blowing hot air, trying to make herself look good I guess. Sad really!
Something is strange here, but then again - Old Pro
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George Clooney is taking me out tonight to the Hollywood Bowl.
Can you drop him off at my house when your are done? - just me
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It is not too far away. He is the sexiest man I have laid eyes on. LOL.
Just me - Old Pro
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Nah, afraid not. If I can catch him, I'm going to keep him! :)
LOL.... George Clooney - just me
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He is a keeper....
You did not ask me where I work, but I am certainly not typing out my client list - just me
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And I already stated I did not work on platforms. Let's just say that after losing large clients to EMR, I got smart, very smart, and took some heed as to what they were trying to do but failed. I actually speak with my clients and show them how we can speed up the healthcare documentation process on both ends. That equals money. I actually should print out some of these responses, as my husband calls me a loser because I am not making near as what I was making. Hopefully, this will now shut him up, for which I would be eternally grateful. It is really sad to see all the posts on this site discouraging people from entering this field. Maybe this person lives remotely and there are not many job opportunities to begin with. Possibly, this person is very bright and can make a great career out of medical transcription, especially if she already has a degree (English skills and medicine would certainly help here). I thought we were supposed to be assisting new MTs
No you don't. That is just not possible. I would sure - sm
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to hear where you work!!
work for myself and make sure dictators speak clear - just me
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I work for myself, went out and got my own clients, no I do not get paid 20 cpl but quite a bit lower, and again it is how I have things set up as well as clear dictators, plenty of samples, experience, etc. I do work very extended hours though as well as most weekends now. It can be done. Yes, I spent a lot of money starting in this field but well worth it. I still spend a lot of money on great equipment, but you get what you pay for.
Sounds fishy..... - Not buying it
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Just makes no sense unless where you live has 434 hours in a day and 19 days to a week.
To OP regarding making $7000 a month - Ayn
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Just some things for the OP to ponder as he/she reads this MT's claim of making $7000 a month (and her employees "sometimes twice" that amount) --

This person is claiming to run her own business -- so from that $7000 you need to remember to subtract self-employment tax (big hit), self-provided insurance, etc. I don't know if that's how much she is claiming to make herself or if that is what her business brings in and then she pays her employees out of that, so also something to consider.

As for her employees making twice that amount -- highly unlikely if not impossible unless she is paying them an uncommonly high line count and they are working more than 40 hours a week. And, still, if they are IC, they are also paying self-employment tax, etc.

While I do not know enough details of the situation to say how valid this poster's claims are and cannot answer some key questions (such as is this gross or net income, what line rate is she charging her customers, how many hours a week is she working, etc.), I will caution the OP that this is an extremely rare, if not impossible, income for most MTs to reach.
Rubbish. If she were making that money, I would be too. - Outdorz, you CANNOT AFFORD to enter this field. SM
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Even if you have what it takes and there are jobs in future, it's far too risky to attempt.

To start, this work is VERY narrow and leaves one unable to step into another decent-paying job. After just a few years at this, a person will no longer have the skills to take even another office job if for some reason (!) she finds herself in need of other work. In a changing world we can all count on our means of making a living changing too--several times over our work lives. This puts you in a very, very poor position.

And the future here is even more uncertain than most areas, with the trend in this field being to simply eliminate jobs rather than retrain people holding them to new positions. Even today with many jobs still available, many good MTs who find themselves out of work are unable to find new ones within a reasonable period of time. Many just fall off the grid altogether.

Huge: Pay has been cut drastically, so that the typical MT/ME makes LESS than a typical lower-qualified office worker, sometimes too little to support oneself.

Those of us who do still make enough to support ourselves do it by working VERY hard. Gluing oneself to a screen for several hours every day, pushing to be fast, every little interruption costing money, is hard work. We do not get paid for laughing at a joke in passing--that comes off our paycheck.

If cutting our pay to the minimum allowed to keep enough part-time housewives looking for fun money and people who never earned more than minimum wage to begin with (these will be your competition for jobs--"I work for potato chips"--in the field, companies frequently find it in their interest to cut what they're paying to people who are producing "too well." And they do. The reason may be obvious when you're suddenly taken off the accounts at which you've become expert and put on wholly new ones. Or you may only wonder how they're doing it as your income continues to mysteriously drop over the summer.

This work is almost overwhelmingly female, which means low pay. Everyone NEEDS to be in a field with a mixture of sexes and the higher pay that means.

Also, learning terminology is far from being enough. You will have to buy and develop an expander to hopefully double your typing/correcting speed. I've put over 60,000 entries into mine and still work it every day. Every single entry costs me money in lines not produced, but I can't make a living at a normal typing speed. The "macros" you make that are so valuable in daily work, BTW, are subject to becoming instantly obsolete as the platforms you work on change; you then "stop work" and reconstruct new ones because you can't afford not to.

Another real BIGGIE is that being paid by the line means that if you lack the critical combination of talent and experience that is needed you will NOT make a sustainable living. Many are investing literally years of lost income before learning they do not have what it takes to even match earnings at a regular, unimpressive outside job. It's not too much to guess that many who hoped to work at home have lost $50-100K in income over the past few years, in some cases more. Someone who could have made $35-45K at a modest midlevel clerical job but instead struggled to train and over, say, 4 years brought MT income up from $7K as a newbie to $18K per year--you do the math. Some of these people no longer HAVE their own home to work in.

Now multiply that by the next decade, not longer, because for whatever reason, whether choosing to move on, or being moved on, you probably will be doing something else. See my first warning. If you have not retrained before then, the something else is likely to be unskilled or semiskilled work.

Most MTs will be destitute at retirement, wholly dependent on Social Security and handouts. Married MTs will mostly be somewhat more comfortable with two incomes, but most will spend their long retirement years, like their work years, at home because they can't afford to go anywhere. They will long ago have found friends who live similarly limited lives after parting ways with former middle-class friends who wanted to meet at nice restaurants, take a pottery class together, a cruise to the Bahamas, chat about shopping for new furniture with someone who actually does it, etc.

The cumulative costs of spending years at home at low wage will be enormous, and devastating. Don't do it.
transcription field - just me
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First, my assistants have accounts of their own and charge twice as what I charge. I have no idea how they get that line rate personally but do. They assist me occasionally and are not employees and do it as a favor by most part, as I gave them work and trained them straight out from school. Yes, not all accounts are like this. Again, I have templates, repeat patients, shortcuts, etc. However, a good deal of my income does go to medical costs, which since the insurance policy is through my company, is tax deductible. I basically work for good medical care and do not want handouts. Also, my husband is and has been unemployed for several years, his benefits long since ran out. I would rather work than be out on the streets. Also, I pay great attention to detail, such as grammar and word processing skills, so my clients are good to me and in return speak clear English and use good dictation etiquette, which also greatly enhances my income, as I rarely struggle to hear what they are saying, as well as using great equipment. You have to spend money to make money.
Nevertheless, newbies will not find clients to take - care of them so well. It is
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irresponsible to hold yourself up as an example of what is achievable. Before internet work, for a brief time when new word processing capabilities overlapped with high demand for hard-to-find qualified MTs, many did do very well. Those times are gone forever, though, and OP and others really, really need to understand that.
Wish the OP had been more detailed instead of vague... - MT
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The OP has since clarified that they work for themselves, use a lot of "saved out reports", so I assume a lot of cutting and pasting, and that they work "very extended hours as well as most weekends". I wish they had clarified this before urging a newbie to attend MT school because $7000 a month "is possible".
$7000 a month is possible if you do it right. - JF
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I just thought I'd show some support to Just Me. I know it's possible because I make close to that now and I still do some subcontracting as well as my own accounts. I have 3 kids that I work around and still manage to make a good living. It is totally possible, especially if you have all your own accounts and have subcontractors. Not possible working for the large companies. I know because I did that for a few months when I lost a big account to off-shoring and was smart enough to get out quickly. I just worked harder to replace the account I lost and make more now than ever. I would not encourage anyone to get into this industry unless they have connections to getting their own accounts though.
Thanks JF - just me
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I had written a longer post but lost it. When my main accounts went EMR several years ago and I had to work for nationals, the money was nowhere near what I was making, but after several years, I have built my business back up and specialize in accounts that already tried EMR or are too small. Again, I was not having to deal with time-consuming platforms, VR, managers sending out nonsense emails, etc., and heavy on templates but with a lot of instructions. If the person is still interested in the field, get a great education, go to extra workshops, buy good reference material, and keep up with your education to plan on working for yourself and not a large MTSO. I had my own clients with 5 facilities and subcontractors working for me 1 1/2 years after I begun, but I had a great mentor and very intensive internships from small company owners back in the the days when they could afford to take the time to train you. It is still possible, although it takes a lot of effort, training, great clients as well as cost. If I did not have my own clients and could work out of the home, I would. From reading the posts here, I do not see many transcriptionists surviving well working for large national companies these days. The foundation is a great education.
well I hope you two are satisfied - slave wages
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NOw you have convinced this person to get into the field on the promise of making 7K a month when the reality is she will make $25,000 a year if she's lucky. Way to go.
Convinced? - JF
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Slave wages, perhaps you didn't read my entire post but I will copy and paste the last sentence for you.

"I would not encourage anyone to get into this industry unless they have connections to getting their own accounts though."

There was so much bashing of Just Me and total disbelief I just had to say it is possible if you work for yourself. I really doubt we "convinced" Outdorz to get into the field with the insane amount of negative feedback given. It's only fair to hear both sides. We are not all unhappy with our choice of profession.

Good luck to you Outdorz in whatever you choose.
in the post below - slave wages
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She's still considering which school to go to.
You make over 7K per month? - Old Pro
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How do you do this?
How do I do this-Answer - just me
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For the operative reports and procedures, I save out samples or some is officially templated, of which it took me a substantial amount of my own time, unpaid, to set up. On office transcription, same thing. See other posts. I even offered a 1 cpl discount to an ESL physician if she would leave her normals in the ROS and Physical Exam (except changing them when appropriate) without changing them up slightly, which was requiring me to retranscribe it. Other physicians were impressed I could follow so many directions, and they let me set up their accounts as such. They love saving time and do not want to do EMR themselves. I also do not allow cell phones or VOIP, and if they dictate on those, I charge extra, which solves that problem. I also address problematic dictators immediately and am very lucky my clients also believe this is a risk management issue. I do not spend wasted time on platforms, rarely difficult dictation, and am experienced on these physicians, interning by lucky chance on one group of surgeons when I first entered this field, so I am not spending too much time looking up terms unless they are new. I have built up my text expander. I make a lot of money on some dictators and not as much on others though. I also never sit around waitijng for work to come in. However...... Most of my income is taken up by medical costs, working myself to death when I first entered this field. However, I am now able to afford great quality medical care, which is why I continue to work instead of going on state disability as well as my pride. I support not only myself but my husband, who has been unemployed for several years now, so no medical benefits there. I made a lot more before my injuries and it took a while to build this back up. I did not just start and make this, just so I am making this clear. I also pay great attention to detail, including grammar, English, word processing skills, etc. Yes, they do appreciate this and are willing to pay extra for it. To the other poster, I am not just full of hot air to make myself look good. I am posting anonymously, so what would be the point?
Canned reports is the old term but... - just me
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If you are working for nationals, you bet the QA and lead transcriptionists are going to grab these first, so no wonder nobody understands what I am talking about.nee Canned reports or templates: When the actual report is typed up and you are basically for the most part inputting patient demographics or date of procedure. Now does this make sense? Not all are like this but enough to push up my income, at least half are I would say.
one last thing - just me
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My best advise-- Whenever I received QA feedback either during internship or or when I had to work at nationals when building my client base back up, I always took the feedback in a positive way. They were basically telling me how to make the client happy, and I have every single QA feedback printed and kept in a notebook, which I still refer to this day. Every report sent back to me edited... I went over word for word to see what was changed and adapted. These steps were invaluable, especially because for a stroke of luck, I have the same physicians I interned on but at another facility. I also directly interact with the physicians and never have to be told something twice. If they want "a" instead of "the," that is what they get. Trust me, this does happen. There is nothing better than a physician emailing the person in charge of your contract telling them how very pleased they are with you... So, yes, if you do it right--education, training, setup, etc., there is still money to be made. Go to a good school, get good training, work for the nationals just long enough for 6 months of feedback or so, and then get your own clients. No I doubt you will make money working for nationals but pick their brains and every service owner you work for.
that was supposed to say not make much money with nationals - just me
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No, you probably will not make much money if you stay with a large national, just get the experience, and then build up your own client base.

However, you never know. Depends on account... Keep an open mind.
xx - nm
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You are truly the "exception" IF you write the truth -sm - XXX
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which I take your post with a huge grain of salt and skepticism. I understand making more on your own accounts, shortcuts, normals, macros, etc. Until recently I made about $2800 a month and that was working my fanny off, no VR, and not being a super fast typist, use expanders, macros, etc. If you are as disabled as you say, type only a few keystrokes per report as you have such canned reports, as you can barely type but work long hours in order to make $7K a month.... sorry hard to believe. But if you mean you have others working for you....and you make $7K a month THEN that makes much more sense. If you make $7K on your own then be prepared for your doctors to wake up one of these days and say, hmm we are paying our MT 0.16 cpl, we can go to XYZ company any pay 0.10 or 0.08 cpl and cut our costs in half, how about it? Really surprised you have not be replaced for cost savings.

So much has to fall into place to make "good" money in this profession. I was doing pretty good and did about $30K last year which I was thrilled with, BUT things change (2 docs retired) and I am now at half of my "old" income, and need to get either more of my own accounts which is easier said than done, or get another PT MT jobs since I am basically PT now.

I know we all wish we could do $7K that is why when someone writes they are it just does not ring true when most of us make less than $30K, or even less than $20K working 50+ hours a week.
details - just me
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No, I am not charging or getting paid 16 cpl. My accounts pay in several forms though. I am not making any money off my subcontractor; I lose it, as I have to edit behind her and pay her more than I make; I just cannot physically transcribe all the work. I started out transcribing just one dictator, and then took over several of their facilities, making over $10,000 per month until I got injured. My business just kept growing but I unfortunately cannot take on any more of their group, as I cannot find reliable help who can follow directions, or I would be making significantly more. I pay attention to detail and was just recently given a raise on some of my work types and keep asking me to take on additional dictators and facilities. They are not looking to go cheaper I guess then. Yes, I am in an exceptional situation, but I worked extremely hard to create that. Extremely hard. What I do not understand is why MTs are constantly bashing the MTSOs on this board, then just go get your own clients to make more money and have control of your workload, although you will find it is more expensive than you think, especially if you are providing call-in dictation.
reply to details-just me - mt1347
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I'm reliable, QA 100%, never less than 99%, looking for work, not a handout. E-mail me and let's talk. If you're turning away work, let me have some of it, please.
Lucky for me that my clients appreciate quality - just me
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Physicians appreciate quality, skill, great word processing skills, and other offerings that I provide along with the ability to think and follow extensive instructions. Not all practices are concerned with the lowest possible price. I stay away from those!

IMO on the schools - sadMT

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If after reading these posts you still want to do this (and I wouldn't recommend it either), stay away from At Home Professions. It's a budget course & you get what you pay for. I took a coding & billing course from them years ago, so I know. I'm not familiar with Career Step. You should go with M-TEC (the school I used) or Andrews. They are more expensive but you might actually get a job when you finish. At my first MT job, my boss said she wouldn't hire a newbie unless they went through M-TEC.

The other poster was right. Voice Rec, EMR (electronic medical record), and outsourcing overseas is making this a dying profession. I'm making less now than I was a couple of years ago, and now I have lots of free time because the work keeps running out. Most of the companies want you to work nights and weekends; a Monday thru Friday gig is really hard to find. You already have a lot of education. I suggest you find something to capitalize on that. Hey, with any luck maybe you'll find a company that will eventually let you work from home part or full time. Good luck!

MT schools, community colleges - just me

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I would suggest you go to your local community college with a good program, including anatomy and physiology, Business English, transcription, pathophysiology, etc. I went to a vocational school first, and it was so lame, that I wasted several thousand dollars and 1 year just to go the community college and get a great education. I also got a fabulous internship through the program director, and then started up my own business. I have worked for a few services,but having your own clients is a lot more rewarding and usually pays more, although entails a lot more responsibility and knowledge as well as equipment and reference requirements. Good luck.

Before going to school again... - Cathy

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What are your other degrees in? Why do you want to do MT? Is it only so that you can work from home?

If you just want to work from home and want to get into MT for that reason, I would suggest that you think of ways you could use your other degress and experience to get a job working from home. A lot of companies are allowing workers to work at home these days in many professions. Try a search of any job seekers site and type in the word remote or telecommute and see if anything pops up that you are qualified to do.

You would probably make more money doing something else and save yourself the time, expense, and stress of going to school again. MT is in a state of change right now. There has been the switch to speech recognition, the lowering of wages, the acquisitions of many companies, adoption of EMR systems that result in less transcription, etc. I've been an MT for 5 years now. It was good when I first started out but has only gone downhill since. We get pay cuts time and again. There is very little respect for MTs anymore. Most MTs that I know are looking to get out of the industry or going back to school to learn something else. Even ADHI (our professional organization) had an article recently that MTs needed to retrain. Try searching for articles on Advance magazine or other HIM sites and reading up a little bit on MT and the state of the industry right now. I think it will enlighten you about what is going on and help you decide if you really want to go back to school to be an MT right now.

If for some reason - VeteranMT

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After reading all these posts you still don't want to use your degrees to find a position that pays a living wage, I would suggest MTEC or Andrews. When I was involved in hiring we didn't consider any of the matchbook schools (At Home and others) as "real" candidates and now with the immense number of transcriptionists out there, we simply wouldn't even call.

I also think the $7K a month poster is full of something. I've been doing this for the greater part of 30 years and with the amount of work this person claims to do it's baloney.

My sons both work from home 2-5 days a week and neither are in transcription, and both make over six figures a year WITH benefits (one is a storage engineer and the other software development).

Career Steps - outdorz

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I'm wondering about Career Steps...I have heard good things about them too??

yes but take the coding course okay? - slave wages

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It's too late for us but save yourself my friend!

Go for 2-year program at community college - just me

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If you are serious about making money, go to a 2-year program at a community college that is a comprehensive program. You get what you pay for, and no transcription program can prepare you in 4 months, such as Career Steps suggests. I went to a 1-year program at a vocational school that ended up being so lame, that I did it all over again at a community college, and I was a straight A student. If you do not want to end up working for nationals at slave wages, do it right. Then go to any AHDI workshop you can and meetings, where you not only learn to perfect your skills but network, network, network. I had opportunities offered to me by members to have my own accounts from retiring MTs but already had my hands full of work. I am never out of work and have to turn clients down. However, it you need to make money right away, this field is not very stable right now, and it takes time. I wish you luck in any endeavor.
Just me - Long-time MT
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My advice would be to avoid ANYTHING to do with AHDI, workshops or otherwise.

outdorz - Career Step - Old Pro

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You want a program where you have access to real, live instructors, not an answer key. Try Andrews. (And no, I do not now nor have I ever worked for Andrews or had personal dealings with them. I just know the quality of their grads and that they can get a job anytime, anywhere.)

Not a good choice - Humble opinion

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MTEC and Andrews are what you should be considering. They both have very powerful name recognition among MTSOs. If you only want to go into business for yourself and procure your own clients, I would still recommend these two schools over Career Step.

With that said, you have been forewarned - MT is not a good field to get into. I am in training right now to move into something else, and after just 4 years into it, I have seen things tumble downhill in this profession significantly.

VeteranMT - Old Pro

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I so agree with you. I did MT (and was an MTSO) for 35+ years before retirement in December. I have yet to see an MT who makes 7K. Maybe it's possible, dunno, but again, maybe it is possible that George Clooney really WILL call me for a date......

school - where

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May I ask where in Minnesota? I am in northern Minnesota.

School help! - Old Pro

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At Home Professions is useless. I am not a fan of Career Step. For my money, I would recommend Andrews and Andrews only.

career - outdorz

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What did you not like about Career Step?

No qualified candidates (seen their work) and too short - just me

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I try keep an open mind and wait until I see their testing, but the graduates who have tested for me in the past did not have the experience. If you want to really really make money in this field, your education is the most important foundation, trust me. I went not only through a "transcription school" but then went to a community college and gosh knows how many AAMT workshops as well as very extensive internships, all of which I am extremely thankful for now. I decided in school that I would was going to work for myself and own a service and that is exactly what I did, starting my company in school and iring most of my classmates, placing them with other jobs, or giving them their own clients, all but one who actually WANTED to work for MedQuest, as she was living with her mom and did not want to spend money on equipment. Boy, I bet she regrets MedQuist now but...

Career Step - Old Pro

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In my view (I am a retired MTSO) Andrews grads perform heads and shoulders above Career Step. Probably because they received more personal attention and it is a much more comprehensive course. Why settle for second (or third) best? This is an investment in yourself.

Schools - Linda

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Go to ADHI website and they will give you a list of approved schools. Med Line School of Medical Transcription is a good one. Completely online self study. They teach through the Book of Style 3rd Edition plus many hours of practice transcription with live instructors who grade and give feedback. They also have a paid internship at the end so you can gain experience if you qualify.

That list has both good and bad schools, but it is a place to start - Internships Are An Excuse For Poor Training

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The poorest schools make promises they can't keep, like promising jobs. Even if they hire their own graduates, they can't hire everyone, unless...the working conditions are so bad that people don't stay. Internships are an excuse for poor training. Get good training in the first place and then get a paying job. If a school forces you to take an internship, something is wrong with their training. Community colleges often are the worst, hiring one of their new graduates, handing them the teaching materials, and turning them loose on the next class of students, even though they have no work experience. It's a case of those who are poorly prepared teaching those who don't know what they don't know/need to know.

School help! - outdorz - Praja

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I would go with Career Step. The reason for this is that the course provided by CS is excellent and it really prepares you for the real world!!! Secondly most of the companies know and prefer graduates of CS.

School - MT

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Andrews is best. But hey, check the link below.

Old Pro - I agree about Andrews

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They are far and away the best school. Why settle for something second-rate?

Notsure - Career Step

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I wanted to add that while I agree Andrews is quality MT education, I went to CS through Everest Comm. College online. The good part of doing this is, you may use the credits later on for a 4-year degree. That is what I did 8 years ago. I have not had any problems with jobs.

I hope it works out for you. Also, the MT making all the money, please note she has her OWN accounts. This is becoming unusual in our industry and definitely not something you are going to be able to do,unless of course, you work inhouse somewhere and get accounts locally.

But, maybe you have already gone to school?

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