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Help with finger pain, keyboard choices, or other remedies - 45MPHK9

Posted: Nov 11, 2009

In the last couple of months I've noticed that my fingers seem sore to touch.  It happens in random areas, sometimes on the pads of the fingers, sometimes along the middle of the fingers when I grip my iPod Touch or hold my coffee cup.  Mostly it seems to be superficial and in the skin.  Definitely not an arthritis-like pain. Some days it's been harder to transcribe because of this.  When a fingertip is sore, I sometimes wrap a little Coban wrap around it which helps a bit, but then makes typing a little more challenging.

I'm using a Microsoft Natural Ergonomic Keyboard 4000 and I'm wondering if there is a keyboard out there that is perhaps more sensitive to finger touch so I'm not always pressing the keys down - hard to explain :)

Anyone out there have a similar problem? Anyone with any suggestions? Thanks in advance!!

finger pain - wondering

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Do you have any neck pain at the same time? That happens to me, and after a good adjustment by my chiropractor, the problem usually is corrected.

Finger pain - 45MPHK9

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I have neck pain, but not necessarily at the same time as the finger pain. Something to consider though. Thanks!

I used to use the Microsoft "ergonomic" - kiki

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keyboard and I always had such horrible finger/wrist/arm pain that it really affected my production. Not to mention the pain I was in.

After doing a lot of research I got myself a Kinesis Freestyle keyboard. From day 1 of using it, my pain has been virtually gone. I will never go back to ANY other type of keyboard.

I just love the feel of the keys. It takes so much less pressure than the Microsoft or most other keyboard to depress each key. It's split and you can tent it up to 2 different angles. I love it! You should google Kinesis Freestyle keyboard and check it out, it may be an option for you.

Kinesis Question - 45MPHK9

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Which Kinesis keyboard did you purchase? Is the only place to get them on the Kinesis-ergo.com site? TIA!

keyboard -where to get it - try this

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type in Kinesis keyboard into goggle. There are several places that you can get it.

Trigger Finger - Tina

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I don't have the symptoms you speak of, but from time to time I do suffer from a trigger-finger where I have to manually unlock it. I have found that what helps for that is an elastic finger wrap that they sell at Walgreens (they are black and work great). After wearing them for a day or two, the finger quits triggering and seemingly goes back to normal until the next bout which could be months to a year in between. This may help with your situation as well in helping to improve circulation. Hope this helps a bit.

Trigger finger - 45MPHK9

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That sounds like no fun! I think I have some of those black elastic finger wraps around here somewhere from a different pain a few years ago (It's always something!). I'll have to go dig them up and see what happens....

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