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Recent Grad seeking job - carehope45

Posted: Jan 12, 2010

I just finished my MT course, have been looking for a job, but without experience no one wants to hire me.  Where do I get the experience?  Is there any tutor/student jobs available so that I can get the experience and use the skills I just learned?  I have Express Scribe, my own foot pedal and medical dictionary and other sources at my fingertips!  I am ready to work and need a job by the end of the month. 

good luck - nina1216

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i just happened to post on my facebook that i was job hunting that day and jokingly asked if anyone needed an MT... don't u know someone i went to high school with got back to me that her aunt's local company was looking for someone....

so i guess my advice is look outside of the box too!!!! good luck!

apply anywhere you can - dj

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even if they require more experience than you have. I sent a resume to a company months ago and never heard back because I didn't have any experience. Last month I got a random email from the owner saying they were needing extra help asap and said she'd be willing to look over my work and give me a shot. I'm still there, and so far it is working out great. I just got lucky, I think, but very thankful for it. You just never know.

good luck!

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