A community of 30,000 US Transcriptionist serving Medical Transcription Industry

I'm new to the employment process, being a new grad of Career Step. info.? - Joyce

Posted: May 05, 2015

Hi everyone, I'm new to the employment process for medical transcription &/or general transcription.  Can anyone tell me anything about a company called TTETranscription? Tnank you!  Joyce

I know nothing about said company, but all I can say is why - sm

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did you not read this board before committing to a career that is going downhill? I feel for you.

I''m new to the employment process - OldoldMT

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Honey, I would have chosen a different career. If I wasn't too old to do anything else, I would run as far away from this career as I could. Good luck!! Maybe it will change by the time you are my age.

Ditto what everyone is saying - olegraymare

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I agree 110%. This field of work is dying, painfully. I've been an MT for 20+ years, too old to learn/start over with anything else, most days I just sit in front of the computer and cry while working. And that from someone who works for one of the few hospitals that still have their own MTs, which has sadly recently switched to eScription. It's all I can do to get up and walk across the hall to work every day. Trying to hang on until retirement (if ever I can) but it's very difficult.

Hello - see msg

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Any decent school will give you employment guidance, that's all I can say.

We can't really help here, sorry. We have nothing good to say about any MT company because there is nothing good about MT. If there is something good to say about a company, the good is going to turn real bad soon.

I'm not saying this to make you feel bad. We try desperately to educate people to steer clear of the field, and it just seems it falls on deaf ears.

Joyce....I know this isn't what you wanted to - hear, especially

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after paying the money for and graduating from school. I despise the schools that still take money from people to teach this DYING field. I'm afraid what these posters say is true. Now, having said that, as far as it applies to you, I guess maybe if you are just in it to make a little extra money and you either have another job and/or a sig. other who makes good money (and even then not sure why anyone would want to do this), but it MAY work out for you for a short while. I suggest going PT as FT is doubly stressful. I wish you well.

What I would - like to know is

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How much did the school say you could make in this profession? I cannot believe these schools are taking money for this profession knowing it is a dying field and fast. They are no better than these MTSOs that treat their employees like dirt.

Probably quote labor stats from years ago. (sm) - Linda

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I'd love to know what they tell you to expect to make in this profession. The fact is our line rate is one fourth what it was 25 years ago. The Labor statistics show we make about $15 an hour, but that is years old. If this is CareerStep is telling recruits, then sue them. They ripped you off royally. You can make more working at McDonalds and you don't have to spend thousands to train for that.

Linda - Old Pro

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If I were hiring, I would hire from:
1. Andrews
3. Career Step, not so much

Never heard of this one, but you might have more luck - on the Company Board...nm

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this is the company board - nm

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moved - sm

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It was moved by the moderator, was on Main Board originally.

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