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What does Medquist define as a line of text? - Mally

Posted: Oct 16, 2011

The hospital I work for was just outsourced to Medquist.  I'm scared.  Anyway, Medquist will be presenting us all with offers next week to go to work for them and I would like to know what Medquist defines as a line of text.  The hospital I currently work for defines a line as 65 characters, spaces included.  Thanks.

Medquist is 65 characters, NO spaces. - health and wellness coach

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Make no mistake about it, your level of income is about to go away.

No $ for spaces? - Explains some $ cut

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I've already quit, but did they not pay for macros either? I wasn't aware they cut spaces, so nothing would surprise me. OP~ I was also there in a buy-out situation. Please be wary.

We still get paid for spaces - as far as I know

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Although I'm sure that will be next.

When I applied for - a new job

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employer asked a couple of times what my line rates were. I had no clue as I didn't have enough work after I was bought by Q to figure it out. I'm so glad I got out of that he## as I'm now making fairly decent $ and have run out of work for 15 minutes one time in lil over 2 weeks.

Not paid for spaces? Then this is what they are going to get: - Kiki

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and so on.

LOL - Mally

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You get paid for spaces - I have checked

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That will probably change eventually though.

pay for spaces - FLMT

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I think it might depend on if you were bought out, etc. I have two line rates, one higher that does not include spaces, and one lower that includes spaces. But I am positive that, given half a chance, they will try to pay the lower rate for the line without spaces.
I would love to meet the bonehead who didn't think - spaces should be paid for
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They probably thought: Oh, since there is nothing there, why pay them for it?

Uh, a space is a keystroke like any other key. Like one poster said, if they say they aren't going to pay me for my spaces, they'll get an email like this:


I couldn't do that in a medical record though.

Line Counts WITH Spaces at Other Company - Melimeg

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I work for a new company that counts a line as 65 characters INCLUDING spaces. I add up my own lines and file my own taxes; they don't do any of this; therefore, there's not as much overhead for them, which puts more money into my pocket! I also get paid for the lines it takes me to create headers and a patient information log at the beginning of each batch of files. I love it! There are other options besides the dictatorships of MQ and Nuance. There is hope!

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