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Typing cesspool. CP says "NO blanks" may be sent - to the client.

Posted: Jan 11, 2011

Foreign doctor, new to me, several blanks.  What to do?

Phone a fellow transcriptionist and let her have a listen. - ...

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It's either that or QA. There's not much else to do. You'll get written up for illegal blanks; and while you'll have to suffer a pay cut for sending the report to QA, you'll at least get to keep your job.

Yeah some say they never send to QA no - matter what, but I

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see a way around it when it specifically says "transcriptionists may not send blanks to client."

If you're typing on an account that doesn't - sm

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allow blanks to go through to the client, then you leave QA markers & the QAs handle it.

Will I get docked 3 cpl? - no name

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you only get cut to 3 c/line if more than 5% of total - lines per PP go to QA. sm

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Example: If you do a total of 10,000 lines per PP, 5% of that is 500 lines. So, you would have to send reports to QA that total more than 500 lines to have your rate cut to 3 cents/line.

At least, this is my take on it. Someone feel free to correct me if I am wrong.
1200 lines per day is 60 lines to QA before getting - cut. That is about 1 report
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The 5% is NOT calculated based on daily lines - sm
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it's calculated based on total weekly lines. Makes a big difference.
5% is 5%. I see no difference if I submit more - than 5% every day, will
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be docked at weeks' end; seems to be potato/potatoh.
Do the math. BIG difference - NM
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You are wrong. Poster above you is correct. - Sorry!
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If CP says no blanks go to client, then - you send to QA

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There is no question here.

Is it fair? No. It completely stinks and I hate it.

MQ came up with FTR and then the clients went WHAT THE HECK!?!?!? when they started getting blanks for their horrible dictators.

Instead of making the bad dictators accountable and fixing the bad equipment, what does MQ do? Force us to send to QA and dock our pay.

So, what was FTR for again? Because most of my accounts don't allow more than 2 or 3 blanks to be sent through, so FTR doesn't really exist. FTR is a way for MQ to dock our pay...plain and simple. Sure, you could ignore the rules, but how long would your job actually last?

It's a toss up.

guess at what they are saying - and hope they do not catch you.

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I would have never given this advice in the past, but you are kind of in a corner, and you still need to feed yourself.

yeah I did a taboo guess today. Put what it - sounded like, but relatively

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sure it wasn't correct. I would have never done that before.

I do that a lot now....didn't used to....need to - feed my family too

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I think we're all in the same boat.
I figured that was the same thing QA would have - put - what it "sounded like"
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Wasn't on anything life-threatening.

I just can't do that. - ...

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I'm starving here, too, but I just can't guess at terms. If I KNOW what I'm hearing but can't verify it and I can't leave a blank or send to QA, I'll put the term in quotes. I'd use the [sic] notation, but that could be misunderstood as an abbreviation for something else. I most definitely use quotes if the dictator spells something out that I can't verify. This way, I don't have to leave a blank, I don't have to guess and hope it's right, I don't have to send to QA, and the quotes draw the client's attention to the term. Just putting it in the report as an actual term, even when sure it's incorrect, just scares the heck out of me.

Please understand, I'm an MQ MT with almost 15 years of experience (multispeciality and heavy acute care) who's barely clearing minimum wage (98% of my stuff is ASR at 4 cpl) and I just can't take another pay cut of any kind, so I've adopted this system to hopefully please all parties. So far, nothing's come back to me.

I could not do it either, but it was a dumb word - like about or beyond, but

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wasn't clear. I would never guess at a medical term or anything in the patient's history or treatment plan, etc.

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