A community of 30,000 US Transcriptionist serving Medical Transcription Industry
For once again proving to me how idiotic your polices and practices are. Heads up to all those who recently left the Q employment. Be wary of your exit interview. I received a phone call from a Private No., which I foolishly answered. Someone, who first off, I had trouble understanding, asked a gazillon questions, mostly YES or NO answers, or a Good, Satisfactory, Very Satisfactory, etc., to rate the company and my employment. Naturally assuming (when I heard the word Medquist), that it was in fact human resources for an exit interview, I answered the questions truthfully. What else could I do. It was a horrible place to work, my pay got cut continuously, the rules changed from month-to-month and sometimes from day-to-day. So I didn't give them a very good rating at all. About the only positive thing I could say is that my last supervisor was a good one. Next day, got another call (this time from human resources at MQ) saying that they had been notified I wanted to talk to them. Say what?? Come to find out, Medquist outsources their exit interviews to a PRIVATE COMPANY outside the corporation. Way to go MQ. Just one more incidence of stupidity, to no doubt take away jobs within the organization itself! Now, I'm getting multiple marketing phone calls on my Private Cell Phone No. that was obviously sold to these individuals!! I feel like bringing a law suit for violating my PRIVACY.