A community of 30,000 US Transcriptionist serving Medical Transcription Industry

Really? another award program - sm

Posted: Jun 03, 2015

Got news for you, whoever is running this God forsaken company..Employess respond to decent pay, decent treatment, and fair practices...NOT a bone dangled in front of them..I, for one, find this crap VERY insulting and juvenile at best.

award program - dazed and confused

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SO AGREE!!! They think something like a discount program will appease us. Meanwhile, we can't afford to buy anything anyway, discount or no discount! I've worked for this company since it was Medquist and have yet to be recoganized for service. How about maybe given those of us who have stuck it out for umpteen years at least a pay bump!!

award program OMG - dazed and confused

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Are you kidding me??? It's only for MT professional materials. oh for God's sake. Almost as fun as the cookbook which we had to print out with our own ink and paper cause they're too cheap to actually send us something. Seriously, this would be laughable if it wasn't so pathetic.

They way I took it..... - sm

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Award is for HDSM, PC, TSA.

They way I look at it.. I want a pay raise - nm

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But your right is it for them - sm

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Now I can look forward to more useless emails to delete..
do not forget the partnership with ADHI info - Old biddies club
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If the email was not insulting enough to encourage us to nominate our supervisors so they can earn more money (when I have not had a raise in 10 years) and pay for "rewards" out of our paycheck (what are we now Fingerhut?)but Noel then had to throw the partnership with ADHI in our face. That old biddies club stole our money after the whole fraud lawsuit. Why would I ever want anything to do with ADHI?

Until they want to talk about actually helping us pay for internet (and I am not talking about a supposed 25% on cell phones which turns out to be $5 on a bill of $200) or talk about increasing the pay rate for line count then I will listen. Until then these emails just make me angry. Delete, delete, delete. Maybe I should just unsubscribe from corporate emails.
I never bother to read them before - I delete them.
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pointless dumas company.

Yeah, for "corporate" employees - cause $50K a year + bonuses

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just ain't enough of a reward.

There is a way to handle that you all know - right?

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Its called a work slow down. Stop BAILING them out. Do the minimum for a while. Sooner or later they HAVE to cave in and offer better pay..But no one will do it, so I'll hold my own little protest.
Or, they could raise the - minimum.....nm
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Even Walmart is raising their minimum wage - just saying
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Mmodal better take care of the people they have left or they will have no one to boss around anymore.
Raising the minimum wage is a collossal failure - sm
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Why should someone be compensated for doing less work? Lower the min wage and I personally will do less work and take the min wage. Raise our line rates, offer bonuses for higher rates. Encourage people to work harder and better, not rewards slackers...
I mean raise the min wage and Ill work less - oops..
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but Im pretty sure you know what I meant anyway..coffee need more coffee
You make a good point - just saying
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My argument was that Walmart is deciding to pay their employees more for unskilled labor, so what does that say about Mmodal deciding to keep line rates stagnant for the last 10+ years for skilled labor? Sad sad sad. I know the corporate people got raises in the last 10 years. And not some $13 spot award that cannot be used anywhere.

Yes they could raise the minimum line requirements which honestly at 150 lph at 4 cpl is still below minimum wage or they could actually do what you said and offer (GASP!) bonuses and compensation and encourage employees to work harder. But it seems they would rather demand MOT and wonder why the quality scores are dropping and employees are quitting.

I guess if Walmart keeps raising wages and Mmodal does not then Mmodal should not wonder why their employees are leaving.
Just because a job is deemed "unskilled" doesn't - mean the person doing it should be -
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doomed to a life of poverty because of it. After all, that job, no matter how "menial", still needs to be done.
You should be paid what your job is worth, NOT - what we need to live on.
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Remember how well that worked out for the communists? In Communist China no one wanted to be a doctor because it didn't pay any more than a factory worker.
well maybe if we did that here those who actually cared - about people would become doctors
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instead of using it as a status symbol and financially raping those who can't pay. I had a doctor's office try to take my house away because I owed them $2000. Joke's on them, my house is underwater so they are out of luck!!
I meant they could raise the minimum lines - per hour requirement. nm
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they really should raise the min line requirement. - I couldnt live off of 150 lines per hour
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I have to do at least 400 SR to pay my mortgage.
but there are people that cant even get the min - requirement
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What good does raising the min line rate do then. All it will do is make them pay more people minimum wage. What they should do is fix the ASR, fix the audio, hold crappy doctors accountable, pay extra for ESL's that cannot speak the language, etc. In other words make it so we can actually achieve a higher line count. And reward those of you that pull in 400 lines an hour with bonuses..
it must be nice - moonchild
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to feel comfortable making a sweeping statement like that. good for you for having decent accounts and being able to type a bit faster than some of us.

if they raised the line count i'd be out of a job for sure, or at least without benefits. my average is around 170 lph and i cannot get it higher than that, and lately, since they keep changing my primaries, i've been barely getting 150.

but you are right, with what they pay us and the crap they send us, if i didn't have my mom kicking in a bit every month, i would not be paying my mortgage, or buying groceries, etc,etc.
No need to raise minimum. You get paid by production. - bad accounts
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150 lph = federal minimum wage.

Are you able to produce 400 lph?? I stuggle to get 150. I get horrid ASR output. Occasionally, I get accounts out of my BOB that are primo, some pretty bad too or worse ESL than my primary. I get depressed when I see how the "other half" lives with proper output and templates. Why can't that be me !! So sad.
Apparently you have to kiss some tail - sm
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to get the good accounts. I occasionally get a doc or 2 that use all templates..How do I get put as a regular on that account instead of the steady stream of garbage I get.
apparently.... - phatty
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Now that is a really good question? How do you get on accounts that have standards and heaven forbid, decent dictation???!!!
I get 400 lines - above poster
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SR but I was with a company that was bought by MM. They did send all the progress notes to India but i'm a level 2 so I still get the good work. I learned a lot by coming here: Don't level up and don't become a MME. I stay at my level 2 HDS status and make decent money.
Bullly for you - anon
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Your day will come. You will not always be at 400. Better be putting some money back for that eventuality.

Lucky for you. Some of us actually struggle being a level 3 and doing the work you can't or won't do. KARMA baby.
What I meant was that, in response to MTs - sm
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slowing down in an effort to force them to pay better wages, they could just raise the minimum LPH requirement. If you can't comply, performance management and then docked pay.

I'd like to make 400 LPH, too. My accounts are really bad, saturated with ESLs, a lot of research for doctor names, addresses, etc., and atrocious ASR output.

Paying mortgage - Anon
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Needing 400 lph to pay mortgage is your problem. You are in the wrong profession if that is the case. If you maintain that per hour, you have gravy accounts, no hard ops, or ESL horrible dictators, and you pull easy report types and standards, or good dictators????? You do gravy work.
400 SR - phatty
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400 LPH on speech rec, correct?
What accounts are you working on, lol?
MTs can do better than just a work slowdown. - They can all turn off their PC and
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just walk away from it forever. Because you know that's exactly what they plan on doing to everyone anyway. Most likely sooner rather than later. Why not pull off a preemptive strike (LITERALLY), and just STOP giving them American MT expertise practically for free. CUT THEM OFF.

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