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My daughter and husband both, sat me down.. - Anon

Posted: Jan 28, 2013

This weekend, my daughter and husband both wanted to "talk" to me.  Okay I said.  Uh oh is what I thought.  My daughter had tears in her eyes and asked me to please quit this job because of what she sees it is doing to me.  My husband, of course, chimes in.  I stated, "We need the money."  My blood pressure is up, I am eating all the time so my weight is up and they said is was like I never leave the house anymore and then asked me, "are you depressed?" 

Even though they know about all the goings on here, because I tell them constantly, they can't stand to see what it is doing to me.  So, I spoofed up my resume and am going to call in for the next few days and get another job.  I know I can but, it may not be the best job coming out of this field but, believe me when I say, I am getting out.  I know there are alot of others who know how this can hurt everything about your life and I wish you well in getting out of this horrible job.  Thanks for listening.

I feel the same - depressed as anyone could be

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Eat too much, sleep too much, dont go anywhere, not happy with anything in my life, scared to change.

depression - kiml

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This job is the only depressing part of my life and life is too short to do this everyday! I sit, eat, and drink caffeine way too much to be healthy. I used to be a pleasant, patient person, and my family misses that!

Good luck. - grits

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I admire your guts. I really don't want to go back to work in the real world, but we all have to do what we have to do.

Thank you! I am a bit scared but I am actually.. - ANON

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looking forward to having a life in a business situation again. I am, by the way, not looking for medical but, that is where I have the most experience. I know it will have it's issues, all places do but, my office won't be in my bedroom anymore and that alone is worth the change! LOL

When I came back to this field - sm

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I promised myself it would never take over my life again..a year in and so far so good...I will not be a slave to this computer..my days off are my days off..My schedule normally rots, but it gives me a steady work flow and I adapt..So close to retirement, cant wait

Wow. Sounds like you just had - the first

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MT intervention! I hope everyone's family can recognize the warning signs that MT is destroying their loved ones' lives.

My family didn't recognize it years ago - and

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It took a very serious toll on my marriage but by the time I could find another job being as I had little experience other than MT, the damage was done. The irony is that at the time I was working for a company that was eventually swallowed up by this one.

A few years later, being a single mom forced me back into the field of MT and this time around it's been nothing short of going through hell. My kids beg me weekly to please find something else now that they are older.

I send out an average of 3 resumes per day and have about 3 interviews per week, but since the majority of my experience is MT and there are many people more qualified applying for the positions, I haven't had any luck. This week, I'm going to start with grocery stores and fast food. The pay would be about the same as I make with my crappy accounts and it couldn't be nearly as stressful.

I feel like we are all in a war and have been held captive for years and finally decided it's time to run for our lives. I wish you all good luck.

I am ready to work at the movie theater. - It is fun and you get free movies.

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My son made more money than I did. Movie theaters are open all year including Thanksgiving and Christmas Day. My son has fun and gets to watch all the movies for free and brings in his date or friends and gets them in for free. Also us parents get in to watch a movie for free. Yep, the more I talk about it, the more I want to work there than sit here with no jobs and wondering if I am getting another 100.00 paycheck because of no work.

My husband told me to quit too. - My daughter said (sm)

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Mom, if it's physically making you sick, you must resign. My daughter is 12 years old and sees the stress this job caused. It's all I talked about. I was constantly irritable.

Quit the job and apply at other places.

This job is isolating but it doesn't have to be if you work for the right company. Not all companies are bad; it's these large nationals.

Look into some IC positions posted and take it from there.

Hugs! Been there done that with the family, and they'd rather be hungry than watch me deterioriate physically and mentally from working for this company.

Oh, and I'll add I was only in their employ for 6 months and it was a living hell. I was trying to get that sign-on bonus or I'd have quit at about the 2 month mark. I tried to make a go of it.

You are not alone and I never got the bonus because the day before it was time to give it, the QC person put me on full review since I had to learn 3 new accounts after they shipped the one off-shore, and I missed a drug dosage or whatever. Different rules every day, tons of e-mails, no communication from leads when no work.

QUIT QUIT QUIT! If you want your family's continued support, you'll do it. If your loyalty is to this company, seek some psychiatric assistance and get your priorities straight because this company could care less about you. Seriously!

I wish you luck. I'm sure you'll do well. SM - luluwu

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Remember all of us have skill and ability for many jobs.

I don't understand why this job is so depressing now, but it is.

My DH thinks working at Walmart would be less stressful. I'm 64 and don't have many options.

As I said, get out and enjoy life.

I'm having a gastric bypass in a couple weeks.... - anon

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When I started this job, I was healthy, energetic woman. After years of sitting, stress, coffee all day, and eating and eating, I have turned into this heavy, sad woman. I hardly ever leave the house and I try to work hours day and night, just to make a paycheck. My Dr. finally told me to make new changes in my life...one being my job. I want to live longer and healthier. It's a scarry decision, but I am strong and can do it. No, it wasn't just this job that did this to me, but I feel it was big contributor.

If its taking that type of toll on you, its - probably best that

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you find something less stressful. Fortunately for me I get plenty of exercise. My husband got me a treadmill and I have another type of exercise machine I use every chance I get. I dont do a lot of eating and Im not obese, but being as though I have a sedentary job, I do make it a point to exercise regularly.

I DO NOT work on my days off, I refuse. I need one day to do things around the house and get out and do things with my husband and the other day I pretty much relax all day around the house unless we go out of town or something. I stay pretty active and make a point to have a social life, being involved with the church etc. But I am also a home body too so I get a pretty good balance seeing as though I work from home.

So far I have been fortunate in that I have only had the normal slow times like around the holidays, which I typically dont mind, luckily I usually have a pretty steady flow of work to complete my shift and make my line count.

I agree whole heartedly that for those whose health is suffering and family lives that they should find something less stressful. Life is too short to have to live like that. If I were in that situation, I know I would have to make some changes.

I could have wrote your post - word for word.

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Gee, I thought I wrote this post being I have a husband and a daughter too. :)

My husband has listened to me for the last 25 years about this company. He has seen it all and how terribly they treat us. Both my husband and daughter tell me I am silly for staying with this company, but because I have been with them this long, it is so hard for me to quit. Instead, I went back to school and took a school loan. I received a lot of money from taxes the last 2 years while being in school and ended up paying off the loan.

This job is great for attending school. I am almost done with school and then I will move on.

I despise this company and my husband has seen what I have gone through including all of the other MTs over the years and years and amazed how the board of directors get away with it. Seriously, we do not need that many directors for this type of company. Just way too many directors for the pay they have and of course that pay they get is OUR MONEY!!!!

Hang in there. Something will turn up better for you. :) I am right there with you and again, I could have written your post word for word. You my dear are not alone!!!

In tears all through my shift today - anon22

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I know how you feel and I am so happy for you. Reading your post brought me to tears too. Just starting my shift today had me in tears, so hard to start the week. It's like it takes so much strength to numb myself to what this job has become and I can't do it anymore. I sit here and repeat "I don't want to do this anymore." I am finally reaching the point where I have to get out. It has taken me awhile, but I think I am there. Reading above about how people are being asked to change their schedules to 2nd shift, my shift, knowing that the work is going to dry up, that just sent me over the edge.

I wish you and all of us the best of luck, those trying to get out and those trying to stick it out. Hopefully when we leave, there will be more for everybody else. I can no longer be a part of this. I deserve better, we all deserve better. Love yourself and your families and get out.

wow I could have written your post! - miss q

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I'm just starting my week this morning too and I felt EXACTLY the same way; in fact, I emailed my friends saying how much I was crying having to start up again.

I want to get out, but I tried and have not been able to find any other job. I think I'm stuck.

And it may be a great job! - bye bye birdie

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My family also begged me to quit. I finally applied for a job in the newspaper typing for 3 local doctors making $6 more per hour than I had been averaging for MModal and not working nearly as hard most days as I did for MM. Hang in there. Sometimes change IS for the better.

Follow-up to post......... - none

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I just wanted to get back and tell you what happened after I posted here regarding my "family intervention". I called a few places I have wanted to work for and the very FIRST one connected me with the hiring manager of a large group of doctors. She said she thought it was weird that I call just then as they decided not more than 2 hours earlier to hire a person for scheduling and other duties in a 20 doctor group. By the way, they didn't have inhouse transcription. I was invited to come in the next morning and interviewed. I START IN A WEEK!!! I am not kidding you, I was stunned at this. I thought I would be out there forever looking. Since then, I have not had a headache, felt low or hopeless. That was the best decision I have ever made and, I know my prayers were answered. GOOOD LUCK TO ALL OF YOU! You are worth a lot out there. Just keep looking.

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