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Cousin, Hubby, & Daughter of an MT are all - the same person. (N/M)

Posted: Jul 14, 2012

but I think most of you have figured that out by now, right? 



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I think they are a family - who lives

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lives under a bridge.

Collecting tolls . . . - nm

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not under a bridge... - in Utah

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Ahh, yes. UTAH. In one of those "compounds", - one could imagine.... (nm)
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LOL! If I believed you were REALLY someone's hubby, - I would think its pretty CREEPY.

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I mean, REALLY. What man do any of us know that would actually sit there day after day and post on his MT wife's MT-networking forum? If that were really happening, I'd have to conclude that he was pretty darned HARD UP FOR A LIFE.


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Thanks for the laugh!

Who cares? Let's analyze a statement or a position, etc. - for what it is worth regardless.

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First of all none of you KNOW who is posting. We're talking about rank speculation here, okay?

Second, what difference does it make if an MT's family participate in this discussion? Are THEY not just as affected by what's going on in our field as WE are?

I'll thank you to stop trying to play board monitor and let's discuss the ISSUES regardless of who (or who we THINK) happens to offer an idea or a suggestion.

You think you're smart, but all you're doing is distracting from the ISSUES AT HAND.

husband of harried is a real guy - I believe

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and a sincere person, but the sister and the cousin, well, they're trolls.

Trolls and Reality - sm

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All right, sister, get it: I don't CARE who they are because neither you NOR I KNOW WHO THEY ARE.


I'm sick of this business of declaring who might or might not be a "troll".

I just checked my email and unless my Internet connection is bad, no one died and made you God.
did you read the posts? - I believe
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We got a daughter saying we are lazy because we don't make $50,000 and someone who thinks she can MT because her cousin showed her how, and they both appear within the same 4 inches of board space and you don't think they're trolls? You never been here on a Saturday have you?
OMG, seriously - daughter of an mt
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I am the daughter of an MT and I was asking an honest question. I did not say anyone was lazy, my mom said that. Obviously you cant read. I wanted honest opinions as I got freaked out after reading this board. My mom said that there are a lot of lazy MTs, ones that would rather spend time here than working. Whatever. I will figure it out myself. Obviously my mom is right!
oh for crying out loud - I believe
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go ask your mom for advice then.

who are you calling a troll? - Mail Carrier of an MT

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Anyone can put any name in the spot. You have no idea who anyone is. Am I the Mail Carrier of an MT, or just an MT? Or, am I the husband of the MT, but in my profession, I am a mail carrier. I'll never tell.
I wonder if my dotter Ellie May - could be a MT
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because granny thinks she kin cause she got a lot of book learnin. She could do her work on the fancy eatin table when she's not looking after her critters. Thanks,
Jed Clampett
and I ain't lazy neither! nm - Ellie May
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Cracking me UP!! :) - SassyMT
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Ya'll are seriously cracking me UP!! I love it...thanks for the laughs after a long day of cleaning and bill paying! :)

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