A community of 30,000 US Transcriptionist serving Medical Transcription Industry


Posted: Nov 04, 2012

On Thursday, Nov 1, 2012, I received a phone call telling me that I was fired. After 19 years of being an MT/MME I was told that my line count was too low. I did get a call the week before questioning me about my count. I guess that was my warning. All of us who work for MModal know the changes that constantly go on. We all know the imperfection of SR. We all know about offshore. We all know that you really get straight transcription. Maybe my 11 cents a line was too high. What ever service you work for is not your provider, it is your job. You are not unemployed, you are free. When one door closes, another door opens. Have integrity. Do your best. Look forward to the next chapter of your life. Be encouraged. Help others. Be blessed.

Anointedtu, love, love your post! - MMNOMO

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I have to tell you that reading your post about our provider just blessed me today! Thank you, thank you!

Most Conscientious MTs can have Lowest Line Counts - Angie

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I'm sorry that happened to you, but it sounds like you will be back on your feet in no time.

I'm from the old school where we cared about quality. We confirmed the spelling of names, located first names for doctors to make sure the CC went to the right one, double checked when a medication didn't sound right for the condition, searched for new meds on a mispronounced medication names, corrected doctor errors in grammar and content, proof read the entire document, checked previous reports to ensure the doctor really meant the cancer was in the left breast rather than right as he erroneously dictated, etc., etc., etc. Now, the most experienced and conscientious MTs are being fired for spending too much time on research to ensure accuracy of the report. Much more research is needed because we are working for doctors who haven't the foggiest idea that we don't know the names of all their local medical facilities, cities, counties, etc. I have tried to just concentrate on line count, but it goes against my grain, knowing that patient is someone's mother, father, spouse or sibling.

same thing - new but old

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Same thing happened to me - phone call one day out of the blue telling me my line count was too low. No warning nothing!! I also take time to research things and when they put you on so many different accounts and half my day was spent going from one spec to another to make sure that I was doing it the correct way it was no wonder my line count dropped. They can't have it both ways. I am now with Nuance and so far so good. I know there are complaints about them, but so far I have not really experienced any problem and truly love the acct that I am on and it is so much easier than Medquist ever was

Yes, being meticulous and putting out only quality - costs me a lot.

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That includes CP's too. :( I have been doing this for over 25 years, so I am old school- Do it right, check what you do, quality matters when it is a patient's life and medical care at stake. I just can't break this habit either. I have tried, but it is like fingernails on a chalkboard not to do it correctly. I've been told to "trust myself more" and "not spend so much time rechecking or checking" by a QA manager, but I keep falling back into my "old" ways.

old school - newly unemployed

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Lost my job Wednesday. I'm a perfectionist, too. Have been in the medical field since 1974. Am afraid it's going to be hard to find another job. Found out my previous supervisor was fired last month.

Yep I rarely got above my 150 minimum, but I never - ever put out a report

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that wasn't great. At least I didn't have to worry about passing the audits :)

Most Conscientious MTs... - cr

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I'm also old school, and I just can't do otherwise. For instance, today I had a report where the doctor kept saying "hyponatremia" when the sodium was very high and it was "hypernatremia." I have to search and make sure of things before sending the report off. My line count is probably just keeping my head above water, and I wouldn't be surprised if I get that phone call soon too. You'd think they'd appreciate quality over quantity since it's their bread and butter too.

It was definitely the 11 cpl - that got you fired

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MModal/MQ doesn't want people who make that much. They want to get everybody at the lowest possible wage, which is why they implemented the wage cap a couple years ago. In fact, I thought it only went up to 10 cpl. They were looking for a reason to fire you and they found one, which is why they didn't performance manage you first. This isn't the first time. I know quite a few MTs who were at the high end of pay before the wage cap that were let go for not a very good reason.

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