A community of 30,000 US Transcriptionist serving Medical Transcription Industry

It is beautiful outside and I am stuck inside w/NJA, just waiting - Bummer

Posted: Apr 13, 2010


I bet if you could find a smart local computer-guy, - he could rig up your PC to a pager - sm

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or your cellphone, so that it would buzz you when a job comes in. Then you could leave the PC on, go outdoors and enjoy the sunshine for a change, and be alerted if and when a job finally comes in.

That would be wonderful!! Could get much more done than sitting and waiting - Bummer

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I thought we were not supposed to keep jobs open if not on clock....nm - veryveryoldMT

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nm. explained above. This is what I was told...
How can it be "open" if it is NJA? - anon
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I meant keeping DQS open and not on clock. sm - veryveryoldMT
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This is what I was told. No keeping open DQS waiting for jobs to appear if NOT ON CLOCK. Yeah, I know stupid hunh... I got my hand slapped for doing it. Course, if you are on the clock and not transcribing, then your production quota will be very messed up.
Keeping DQS open - see msg
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We were told to keep DQS open with NJA for 15 minutes, before you can log out and report it.
Yes, 15 mins but not your whole shift. sm - veryveryoldMT
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First, I am not a MQ flag waver. I am mad as malarkey at everything. I have been dinged and slapped so much lately Bondo is about to wear off from the old dings on my old chassis.

Now, from how I read one of the posters above, they were keeping their DQS open throughout their shift to wait while jobs trickled in.

I too these past 5 days have been getting NJA at the beginning of my shifts (south region). I wait the 15 mins go in and send a message to get a ticket (not yet totally signing off DQS), then go in to SS and clock out. Then I start to close DQS and a job comes in!!!! URRRRRRRRR ;-{ So, I got one job and NOTHING else on the queue. I just went ahead and said I would try later in the day to get on (evening messing up my family time too). So staying on DQS waiting for jobs to trickle in and then clocking back on, I thought that would be okay, but no I was told that is a NO NO too. What IS THE RIGHT ANSWER!!! And I am still mad as hockey sticks!!!!!!

Need an alarm like when the one millionth customer - visits a store or a nuclear

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attack is eminent. That would get your attention even outside!

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