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Is it me? DEP DOWN. I can't get a job to load - just ME

Posted: Feb 23, 2010

at all.  Every time I log in it takes forever and nothing happens.  So frustrating!  This is my shift!  I keep checking the stop light and it says GREEN everything is working!

Not my night.

Help desk person just freaked out on me - said I - am the only one with this problem.

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This is after the third computer they sent me. He said "we are NOT sending you another computer because it is a problem with your ISP or something YOU are doing because not even ONE other person has called in with this problem."

But I said I download whole movies and music and pictures in seconds on my personal laptop.



I have high speed digital cable. Nothing else is on their computer except what they put on.

I clear my cookies, temp files, defrag, etc., every single night.

And then I read on here how there are others having this problem.

But it is me. So I apologize to everyone for whatever it is I am doing to your computer to slow it down.

I think the only solution is not to stay for the duration of my two week notice, maybe I should just sign out right now and not look back.

Funny, when I called because of the SAME problem, - Kiki

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(once I was able to finally get through that is)....the tech said, "yeah, a lot of people are calling for this same problem, but we don't what the problem is yet." So, I think you just got a knucklehead tech who doesn't have a clue.

Did your tech have a real strange accent? - The one who yelled at me did.

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That guy was really annoyed with me and said "it is not like the phone lines are lighting up with this problem, and if they were then I would think it was a problem on our end, but they are not." He kept saying he had nothing to tell me to help me and that I need to check with my ISP.

Oh he also told me along with clearing temp files and cookies, to unplug my cable modem box, count to ten and replug it in. Which I did.

He also had a strange first name that I could not pronounce. I can't wait to give him feedback when I get the email.

Like I said, it doesn't matter, I am leaving the Q soon. Gave my notice already. I want to work and they just have no work or slow work. And I finally found a job locally (non transcription) where I can give an honest day's work for an honest day's pay. I didn't think that would be too much to ask from the Q.

Slow - Euro sepsis

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I don't know how they can say you are the only one. The same thing happened to me for almost 2 hours during my shift today. I was on hold for 35 minutes and finally hung up. I would imagine a lot of people were having the same problem. It's been doing this on and off for the past 2 days for me.

Is this only happening.... - sm

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when trying to get ADT info to load after doing a patient search?

I have noticed this, but what I have done is do a Ctrl O to get out of demo page, then Ctrl D to open it back up and re-search. Most of the time it works immediately, although sometimes I have to do it twice... but I don't sit there waiting for it to load.

Try it.

Does anyone wonder if this slowness might be being controlled my management? s/m - anon

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In other words, since it seems to only be affecting a few people (that we know of - there could be many, many more who don't post here), could it be that somehow management can control the speed of jobs downloading? I don't know what they would want to do that but it's the only thing I can think of since tech. support is saying it's not a global DQS problem. any thoughts?
i'm in the north - anon
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only problem is with ADT, not a total slow down of the entire job. It only happens to me on ONE particular account. I wonder if others are only having issues on one of their specific accounts as well.

Not sure about the mgmt conspiracy theory, although nothing would surprise me any longer.

I'm not the poster above, but I close and reopen too. - We should not have to do that.

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That takes time away from my production which is hard enough to get. Sometimes I have to close and reopen a couple times and it still hangs.

It is most definitely what they are doing on their end, not us.

They should just tell us the truth.

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