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Increased volume email from BR - wow

Posted: May 15, 2015

Did anyone else receive an email from BR this morning stating we are to let her know if we are seeing an increased amount of work as she made changes to the settings so we'll receive more? They added this to our POD a week or two ago w/o letting us know and sent an email out after the fact. Nice to know they've added more work to our POD when we can't even clear out the work we're already getting... Thank you.

Ok here is an idea - sm

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Your stressing over something you cannot control. YOU can only do what you do in 8 hours, try not to worry about the rest. If you want to do the OT, do it. If you don't want to do the OT, don't do it. You have to learn to de-stress. I know it is terribly hard to do working here, but I am learning the hard way how stress is causing me health problems.

That's what I was going to say - - sm

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I don't give a flip about their backlog, if anything is late, or what the numbers are. It has no effect whatsoever on the fact that I'm going to sign on, work my schedule, and do my lines like I do every single day. No more, no less. Worrying about backlogs and bonuses is their problem.

In BR's pods and no Email and no such work. - Annie

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How would you know if you are getting increased work. - As long as enough work during shift who cares?

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As long as the jobs are rolling in and you don't run out, what is there to track and how would you know if it was an increased volume?

No, but I got a boatload - of neon-colored

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stats on individual and team metrics that I care NOTHING about.

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nm ...

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