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I really would like to know if I am just a whiner or if the multitude of problems I am having is universal.
My ASR is now very bad. Placing periods where there is no sentence, no commas in clearly dictated lists, and just not recognizing clear dictation, where as before the account I was in was wonderful at ASR.
The automatic bulletting is driving me crazy. I get reports where every sentence is bulletted for no reason and unlike Word, you cannot just delete, you have to highlight control L and even that sometimes messes it up even more.
The Undo button is now hidden under Edit not easly up in toolbar. AND more importantly, it doe not work. I have mistakenly highlighted text and deleted only to try to "undo" and it does not work.
I for one hate all the panels and yes, I can hide 1 or 2 of them, but most keep popping up. I think all that extraneous info is more distracting than helpful. I do not have to keep referring to the patient's name. And it was much easier to quickly control D and copy and paste patient name than it is now.
The text and font I cannot seem to get just right. Character spacing seems a little cramped and I have tried every font in the book.
ADT screen is much harder to navigate, Spell check as well, and Expansion list..forget about it, used to be quick clicks, now spell check takes extra click to get to suggested word spelling, Ctrl E for expansion is just mess..sometimes I cannot navigate it alaphabetically.
And I have noticed navigating through the report is a mess. I am a whiz at shift S to navigate thorugh ASR and now it is slow, boggy, overshoots words. It used to be clean, dry, concise and it is not that way..it is just not working for me!
Okay..here are two positives.
Ctrl M now does not stop the report, it simply brings you back to where you want to start and continues on..that I like, because I can take my foot of the pedal and just hit play and elevate my feet..that is nice.
And report look-up is nice and easy..and I do really like that..but i do not use it enough to compensate for the mess that everything else has become.
Any feedback would greatly be appreciated and if I am a whiner..I can take that too.