#1 I would be able to understand you. And BTW, chewing like a cow is not attractive at all. And #2, you wouldn't choke on your food. And since you did choke through a word or 2, it would be nice if you re-dictated that because I have no idea what cough, cough, cough is supposed to be. I HATE this dictator, why does the company not tell her how to talk, I'm done complaining since it gets me nowhere.. ...
Cant believe the crap they are dictating today..Must be the solar flare. they make up drug names that could be one of maybe 3 possibilities..Im pretty sure I know which they need but Im not the DOCTOR,,I just play one on the computer..Im leaving the blanks let them figure it out..Do your jobs correctly for a change..Kind of makes you scared to ever have to go to a hospital for anything. ...