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Help? ASR spacing after periods? - tabz

Posted: Oct 21, 2011

I have always double spaced my reports when I transcribed unless the client profile told me otherwise.  I have noticed most of my ASR reports are single spaced and some are double, even on the same client.  What is the standard for spacing regarding ASR?  Thanks guys!  I couldn't get any email back on what is what!

What I do, right or wrong - anon

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Unless the client profile says to single space, I always add an extra space.

Highlight report, go to find and replace and replace - period space with period

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space space. I have had to do it before if client profile insists on two spaces after periods. Otherwise, if it isn't specified, I let it go. If they don't like it, they can complain and ask that THEIR SPEECH WRECK be fixed.

Trending toward one space - Soofie

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I haven't double-spaced for several years now, except in rare cases (there's always an exception). Per bos3 1.2.5 one space is the norm except when sometimes using proportional space fonts like courier. I agree.

Client profile always takes precedence - health and wellness coach

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I'm not so sure I would call one space the "norm". I'm an MME and work accounts from coast to coast and have only come across one account that prefers single spaces to double. The BOS is an excellent resource but client preferences and profiles always take precedence.

I would leave it... - only because

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ASR will change it back to 1 space on back end formatting and you will not get paid for it anyway. You are only paid for 1 space.

Leave it be. If the programmers of ASR put in 2 spaces, leave that also.

If it's ASR - leave it

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I'm an MME too, and I leave the spacing after periods as is on ASR reports. I do double space when straight typing.

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