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spacing - tired of it

Posted: Jul 27, 2011

I got assigned a new account this week - great - first week of cut in pay and now I have to deal with this yet too.  I noticed someone was reading my reports today - I don't know if it was a routine audit or just because I'm new to it - whatever - the QA person made just an FYI, very nicely, that Medquist wanted 2 spaces after a period.  I was under the impression that it got changed on the back end when it got sent on to the hospital somehow and it didn't matter.  Why then on some fo the speech rec reports does it come through with 1 space - then you have to go through and change it - that's a waste of time. 

we dont get paid for 2, why put 2 in? - wonderman

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It does get changed on back end, but I thought it gets changed back to 2. Speech only puts in 1, we only get paid for 1, but the hospitals get 2.

Who knows anymore. I would never change a speech report to 2, do not take all that time to not get paid!

Got dinged on my QA review because I didn't put 2 spaces. - So confusing!

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I had always put one space but now I always make sure I put 2 spaces after it almost made me fail an audit. I don't, however, go thru ASR reports and change the spacing. So far no one has said anything about that.

re: spacing - sm

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I have about 18 "regular" accounts and there are 3 that in the CP use only 1 space and the rest are 2.

I use those fluoroscent post it sticky notes for the ones that use 1 space and keep all the CPs in an index card spiral for easy access.

In VR cases, the first thing I do is to a search and replace, change the double spaces to single spaces, so I don't forget. Those colorful stickys and index cards work very well for me.

All in all its a pain, but what can we do? Gotta bring home "some" bacon! lol!

I love simple and effective ideas! Never thought to use S and R for periods and spaces - no msg

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