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Does there really have to be a loud ding in our ears when there is no match for ADT?? - Annoyed

Posted: Jan 05, 2011

This doctor not only mumbles the name, but mumbles the spelling of the name.  I try every which way to spell what I hear, but I get that "no matching results found for the chosen criteria" ALONG WITH THAT *$#$ DING.  Its not enough to get that message of not finding the patient, but to hear that ding is driving me crazy....especially with report after report of this same name mumbling man...

No, there doesn't - Just turn it off

[ In Reply To ..]
It's a Windows message beep. Go to Start, sounds, and change your sound scheme to None.

Thanks! Did not know that. - Ang

[ In Reply To ..]

No problem - sm

[ In Reply To ..]
It took only a couple times of blowing out my eardrums before I had to axe it.

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