I was in the middle of a long ASR job. The text loaded but only a little bit of the sound. I got a ticket # through Remedy and clocked out. I was told to abandon the job. Now I'm just waiting for the light to turn green again so I can work! ...
I have been waiting for about 10 minutes now for DQS to load this one job and it doesn't show another one listed. This has happened before but I usually just wait it out for a few minutes. It has never taken this long so I think I might call support. Has this happened to anyone else? Thanks MQers!~ ...
Mine has been loading really slow since the upgrade. can't be my computer or router because everything is loading quickly and working fine as usual. This stated right after the upgrade finished. Anybody else noticing this? ...
I can file my nails while my screens change and the voice document loads. Does anyone share this problem. I have a dual core processor with 1.86 Ghz. Thanks! ...
I just took a practice test, and it asked this question of the following sentence, is the sentence below punctuated correctly?
Fine needle aspiration revealed no abnormalities. The answer on the test was false. Is any part of fine needle aspiration hyphenated? Help? ...
There's this one dude who chews gum as he dictates the patient demographics. It's not super annoying and I can hear that part all fine. Then, as he dictates the body of the report, he bites down on the gum and talks with only his lips and tongue while keeping his teeth clenched on the gum. And he talks fast while he does it. I know he does this because I reproduced it myself, as I'm a constant gum chewer, but I cheek my gum when I talk, not clench it in my teeth ...
Does anybody know if I can download Word Perfect 10 on a Medquist Computer? I would like to compose letters, etc. but do not want to ask support. Thank you. ...
Thought I would try some of you tecchies out there before hasseling with whatever (if any) tech support DocQscribe has. I am trying to download DQS on my spiffy new machine and getting message "write params failed!" Any idea how to fix this? In the meantime it is back to windows XP and my trusty 10-year-old Dell. *sigh*.
Thanks so much in advance for your help! ...