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4 minutes of breathing and studdering - wish these docs understood

Posted: Aug 13, 2012

that time is money...and then he says please cancel...

And doncha just hate the ones that stutter? - nm

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I think you should keep the text there, and type - PLEASE CANCEL at the end

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I hardly think we should be robbed of time and money because the doctor is an idiot. We should get to submit those lines, so we get paid for them, and flag it so the staff at the clinic/hospital can delete the report.

Oh I darn sure did keep the text their mess up - not mine. nm

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Cancelled dictation/text - sarmt

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If I transcribed those lines, I keep them. I send a QA note, "physician requests cancellation/delete" and send direct to client. On statistics check, lines are showing.
I dont even send to QA just type cancelled dictation - on bottom and send
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That's almost exactly what you the DQS standard says to do - A little different wording though

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From the DQS Standards and Guidelines:

"If you are transcribing a report and the dictation suddenly ends or is canceled by the dictator, you should:
1. Verify you are at the end of the dictation by checking your audio slider. Enter two lines and transcribe in all capital letters - DICTATION ENDS HERE.
2. Create a QA/QC Note stating DICTATION ENDS HERE. This process does not require the report to be sent to QA manually."

Obviously the CP rules come first, however.

Except its not a dictation ends here it is a flat out - nevermind cancel dictation

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So that is what you type at the end of the complete report - you just finished, and SEND. nm
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